
PhD in Demography


The basic aim of the PhD programme in Demography is to train researchers in basic and applied research in the population field. In order to achieve these objectives and to obtain the title of doctor, it is essential to produce a doctoral thesis, which must take the form of original research.

This PhD programme offers:

  • the academic training necessary to attain the knowledge, methodology and skills of critical analysis which make it possible to carry out original research.
  • the tools for achieving the necessary communication skills for making known and communicating the results of scientific work to the academic and professional communities.
  • internationalisation of training and research for PhD students by means of visits to internationally prestigious institutions and universities.


The doctoral degree is structured into lines of research supervised by lecturers from the UAB’s Department of Geography and the Centre for Demographic Studies. The thesis must have a single tutor (who may or may not be the thesis supervisor).


  • Holding an official university degree, either Spanish or from any other country in the European Higher Education Area or, in other words, having obtained a minimum of 300 ECTS credits accumulated throughout the totality of formal university education. Of these credits, 60 or more must be at Master’s degree level.
  • Holding an official Spanish academic qualification, which entails having achieved a minimum of 300 ECTS credits. These graduates must obligatorily complete supplementary training requirements.
  • Holding a university degree obtained in accordance with the requirements of the educational system in other countries. It is not necessary to obtain official recognition of this qualification (homologation) by the Spanish authorities. However, it is necessary to obtain prior verification from the university which awarded the degree, stating that the qualification is equivalent to a master’s degree obtained from a Spanish university and that, in the country which awards the degree, it is sufficient qualification to allow access to a PhD programme.
  • Holding a Spanish PhD obtained in accordance with previous university regulations.

Admission to the PhD programme will be decided by the vice-chancellor and is subject to completion of supplementary training where required.


  • 25%Qualifications detailed in academic record
  • 20%Thematic appropriateness
  • 15%Affinity of access studies with the field of Demography
  • 20%Letter of motivation and personal interview
  • 10%Obtaining research grants or subsidies
  • 10%Linguistic competence
  • Admission will be subject to acceptance by a thesis supervisor proposed by the academic commission for the doctoral programme


    • The candidate wishing to enrol for a PhD must apply to the academic commission for the doctoral programme.
    • Once the candidate is admitted, the academic commission for the doctoral programme assigns him or her an academic tutor.

Pre-registration periods, academic year 2025-2026:

    • From 22 January to 28 February
      Maximum PROPOSAL by the coordinator: 7 March
      Maximum RESOLUTION by the Doctoral School: 14 March
    • From 10 February to 21 March
      Maximum PROPOSAL by the coordinator: 4 April
      Maximum RESOLUTION by the Doctoral School: 30 April
    • From 4 April to 30 May
      Maximum PROPOSAL by the coordinator: 10 June
      Maximum RESOLUTION by the Doctoral School: 27 June
    • From June 10th to 31 July
    • Maximum PROPOSAL by the coordinator: 10 September
      Maximum RESOLUTION by the Doctoral School: 3 October
    • From 1 August to 15 October
    • Maximum PROPOSAL by the coordinator: 25 October
      Maximum RESOLUTON by the Doctoral School: 5 November
    • From 17 October to 28 November
    • Maximum PROPOSAL by the coordinator: 3 December
      Maximum RESOLUTON by the Doctoral School: 19 December


  • Letter of motivation.
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Photocopy of academic record, including first degrees and master’s degrees previously obtained.
  • Proposal of a research theme to be presented in the PhD thesis.

More information


Coordinator of the doctoral programme: Joaquín Recaño

Representatives of the lines of research in the PhD in Demography programme:

Andreu Domingo, Albert Esteve, Juan Antonio Módenes, Iñaki Permanyer, Joana Maria Pujadas, Joaquín Recaño, Mariona Riera


Joan Oró grant to hire research staff in training (FI 2025)
Call for proposals
Prioritisation criteria



Apart from some exceptions, the PhD in Demography programme entails full-time attendance. It is highly recommended that the PhD student should obtain a grant or other form of funding for a minimum of three years. The doctoral programme supports students with a good academic record in their applications for competitive national and international scholarships.


For further information concerning admission please contact:

Teaching coordinator:
Joaquín Recaño /

Academic management:
Inés Brancós Coll /
Miquel Valls /

Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics (CED)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra
Telephone: 93 581 30 60


El aprovechamiento de registros administrativos en la reconstrucción de los itinerarios migratorios internos de la población residente en Españabución de población por efecto de la movilidad interna a nivel de departamento y municipio Author: Acosta Ortiz , Óscar Mauricio
Thesis registration year: 2023-2024
Director: Joaquín Recaño
Inequalities in multimorbidity and mortality dynamics Author: Ahmed , Sahar
Thesis registration year: 2023-2024
Director: Iñaki Permanyer; Aïda Solé Auró (UPF)
Changing Societies, Changing Families in East Asia
Changing Societies, Changing Families in East Asia Author: Dai , Simin
Thesis registration year: 2023-2024
Director: Albert Esteve
Exploring LGB Family Formation
Exploring LGB Family Formation Author: Geremia , Gioia
Thesis registration year: 2023-2024
Director: Diederik Boertien
Fathering at a distance: the interplay between migration, family dynamics and (mental) health
Fathering at a distance: the interplay between migration, family dynamics and (mental) health Author: Odasso , Margherita
Thesis registration year: 2023-2024
Director: Diederik Boertien
Households, Family Structures, and Fertility in Africa: Variation Across Time and Space
Households, Family Structures, and Fertility in Africa: Variation Across Time and Space Author: Pohl , Maria
Thesis registration year: 2023-2024
Director: Albert Esteve; Ewa Batyra
La década de la gentrificación: un análisis de las transformaciones socioespaciales y residenciales en las principales ciudades españolas durante el período 2011-2021
La década de la gentrificación: un análisis de las transformaciones socioespaciales y residenciales en las principales ciudades españolas durante el período 2011-2021 Author: Sanz Pérez , Carlos
Thesis registration year: 2023-2024
Director: Antonio López-Gay; Sergi Vidal
Women’s living arrangements: a global and gender perspective
Women’s living arrangements: a global and gender perspective Author: Trias Prats , Rita
Thesis registration year: 2023-2024
Director: Albert Esteve; Ginevra Floridi (University of Edinburgh, Regne Unit)
Envejecimiento Femenino, Desigualdad y Contribuciones: La Interseccionalidad entre Género, Edad y Oportunidades en Seis Departamentos de Colombia.
Envejecimiento Femenino, Desigualdad y Contribuciones: La Interseccionalidad entre Género, Edad y Oportunidades en Seis Departamentos de Colombia. Author: Vega González , Indira Alexandra
Thesis registration year: 2023-2024
Director: Iñaki Permanyer; Herney Fernando Ruiz Vallejo (Universidad Externado de Colombia)
Demandas de cuidado social y multimorbilidad: Un análisis comparativo de los efectos de la transición epidemiológica y desigualdades de género relacionadas con el aumento de la esperanza de vida
Demandas de cuidado social y multimorbilidad: Un análisis comparativo de los efectos de la transición epidemiológica y desigualdades de género relacionadas con el aumento de la esperanza de vida Author: Calderón Jaramillo , Mariana
Thesis registration year: 2022-2023
Director: Jeroen Spijker; Elisenda Rentería
Three essays about the queerification of population studies
Three essays about the queerification of population studies Author: Bercovich Szulmajster , Sabina
Thesis registration year: 2022-2023
Director: Diederik Boertien
The fertility intention of contemporary Chinese people, from a geographic perspective
The fertility intention of contemporary Chinese people, from a geographic perspective Author: Fang , Huifen
Thesis registration year: 2022-2023
Director: Albert Esteve Palós; Juan Galeano Reguera
Interseccionalidad, dinámicas familiares y desigualdad en España
Interseccionalidad, dinámicas familiares y desigualdad en España Author: Ruiz Ramos , Carlos
Thesis registration year: 2022-2023
Director: Andrés Castro
La reproducció imperfecta: generacions femenines i reproducció demogràfica i social a Espanya
La reproducció imperfecta: generacions femenines i reproducció demogràfica i social a Espanya Author: Montfort Chipell , Anna
Thesis registration year: 2022-2023
Director: Andreu Domingo Valls; Jordi Bayona Carrasco
Uncovering health deterioration and death timing patterns using formal demography
Uncovering health deterioration and death timing patterns using formal demography Author: Micheletti , Chiara
Thesis registration year: 2022-2023
Director: Iñaki Permanyer Ugartemendia; Alyson van Raalte; Sergi Trias
Family changes and variation in households’ structure in Latin America from 1960 to the present.
Family changes and variation in households’ structure in Latin America from 1960 to the present. Author: Becca , Federica
Thesis registration year: 2022-2023
Director: Albert Esteve Palós; Andrés Castro
Divisió sexual del treball al llarg del curs de vida
Divisió sexual del treball al llarg del curs de vida Author: Almirall Llambrich , Mireia
Thesis registration year: 2022-2023
Director: Pau Miret Gamundi; Joan García Román
Metabolisme demogràfic i canvi social a Catalunya al segle XXI
Metabolisme demogràfic i canvi social a Catalunya al segle XXI Author: Damoun El Yemlahi , Osama
Thesis registration year: 2021-2022
Director: Andreu Domingo Valls; Jordi Bayona Carrasco
Emancipación residencial en América Latina: características socioeconómicas, demográficas y territoriales de la formación de hogares jóvenes
Emancipación residencial en América Latina: características socioeconómicas, demográficas y territoriales de la formación de hogares jóvenes Author: Aros Marzá , Nicolás
Thesis registration year: 2020-2021
Director: Antonio López Gay; Pau Miret Gamundi
Protegiendo el futuro: cuidado infantil, fecundidad y conciliación laboral
Protegiendo el futuro: cuidado infantil, fecundidad y conciliación laboral Author: Juni Sánchez , Maida
Thesis registration year: 2020-2021
Director: Albert Esteve Palós; Alba Lanau
Dinámicas de distribución territorial de los grupos de población a partir de la dimensión socioeconómica: Santiago de Chile, Concepción y Valparaíso
Dinámicas de distribución territorial de los grupos de población a partir de la dimensión socioeconómica: Santiago de Chile, Concepción y Valparaíso Author: Andrade Cárdenas , Cristian
Thesis registration year: 2020-2021
Director: Joaquín Recaño Valverde
Dimensiones de la desigualdad socio-económica en perspectiva histórica, siglos XVIII-XX
Dimensiones de la desigualdad socio-económica en perspectiva histórica, siglos XVIII-XX Author: Trincado Pizarro , Joaquín Antonio
Thesis registration year: 2020-2021
Director: Joana Maria Pujadas Mora
Family Life Courses and Elderly Wellbeing in China
Family Life Courses and Elderly Wellbeing in China Author: Chen , Jianji
Thesis registration year: 2020-2021
Director: Sergi Vidal; Jeroen Spijker
Cross-National Comparisons of Contemporary Family Trajectory Patterns
Cross-National Comparisons of Contemporary Family Trajectory Patterns Author: Zhu , Min
Thesis registration year: 2020-2021
Director: Sergi Vidal
Demografía del mundo rural: despoblación, contraurbanización, neorruralidad y poblamiento
Demografía del mundo rural: despoblación, contraurbanización, neorruralidad y poblamiento Author: Marbán Martínez , Laura
Thesis registration year: 2020-2021
Director: Antonio López Gay; Joaquín Recaño Valverde
La brecha africana en España en las primeras décadas del siglo XXI: mercado de trabajo, segregación residencial y pautas reproductivas
La brecha africana en España en las primeras décadas del siglo XXI: mercado de trabajo, segregación residencial y pautas reproductivas Author: Gastón Guiu , Silvia
Thesis registration year: 2019-2020
Director: Andreu Domingo Valls; Jordi Bayona Carrasco
El matrimoni entre parents: consanguinitat i afinitat a Espanya, segles XVI-XX
El matrimoni entre parents: consanguinitat i afinitat a Espanya, segles XVI-XX Author: Ruiz García , Joaquín
Thesis registration year: 2019-2020
Director: Joana Maria Pujadas Mora (CED-UB); Cristina López Villanueva (UB)
Women's education in a global perspective: measurement and implications for family life
Women's education in a global perspective: measurement and implications for family life Author: Jeffers , Kristen
Thesis registration year: 2018-2019
Director: Albert Esteve Palós; Ewa Batyra
Família i comportament demogràfic a Sant Climent de Llobregat, segles XVI-XX
Família i comportament demogràfic a Sant Climent de Llobregat, segles XVI-XX Author: Vendrell Condominas , Jaume
Thesis registration year: 2017-2018
Director: Joana Maria Pujadas Mora



Course 2024-2025 

Monitoring takes place after admission and registration for the doctorate, once a year, and consists of the presentation by the doctoral student of progress made up to the time of the meeting of the monitoring committee. Passing this test is a condition for registering for the following year. 

The Academic Committee for the Doctorate must approve and publish before 20 December each academic year the composition of the Monitoring Committees, the timetable and dates and the procedure for the monitoring (oral presentation of progress in public session and previous submission of additional documentation). 



The composition of the monitoring committee for Doctorate Studies in Demography will be individual for each doctoral student and will be composed of three PhD. The Directors and tutors cannot be part of this Commission.

During the January 2025 an email will be sent to each PhD student to inform them of the composition of their monitoring committee.



The monitoring committees will meet on: 

– 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 June 2025 (1st sitting) 

– 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 September 2025 (2nd sitting) 

The doctorate programme will contact each student to set the exact date and time of the meeting of each monitoring committee. 



3.1. Annual monitoring report of the direction of the doctoral thesis 

The thesis supervisor must present a report (maximum 500 words) containing: 

a) A general assessment of the progress of the doctorate student from the commencement of doctorate studies or over the last academic year. 

b) An assessment of the student continuing in the programme. 

3.2. Doctoral student’s annual monitoring report

The doctoral student must present an oral academic report (maximum 15-20 minutes) to the members of the monitoring committee, with the approval of the supervisor and tutor.

In addition, prior to the monitoring session, the following documentation must be sent, in digital format, to each of the members of the Monitoring Committee and with a copy to the directors and to the person in charge of Teaching and Training Programmes at the CED:

  1. Annual monitoring form CAT/ ESP
  2. Doctoral thesis research plan (only doctoral students in 1st monitoring)
  3. Document on activities carried out in 2023-24 academic year CAT/ ESP
  4. Presentation to members of the monitoring committee (.ppt format)
  5. Current curriculum vitae (free format)
  6. Doctoral thesis supervisor’s report CAT / ESP / ENG

CED website:



The doctoral student must submit his/her documentation, as well as the supervisor’s report, one week before the monitoring committee.



After each meeting, the members of the monitoring committee will draw up and sign the record of assessment and joint monitoring report. 

The members of the committee may report: 

favourably (the doctorate student has passed the test and may register for the following academic course)

– favourably with observations (the doctorate student passes the monitoring but must carry out the observations for improvement proposed by the members of the monitoring committee.) 

unfavourably (the doctorate student has the opportunity for a second sitting. You must register for the following year and be assessed within 6 months.) 

The records of assessment of the monitoring of each doctorate student will be filed together with the documentation by the doctorate programme. A list will then be prepared for each year of monitoring of the doctorate students subjected to monitoring tests and the results obtained *, which will be approved by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program (CAPD) and signed by the programme co-ordinator. This list will be sent to the Doctorate School before 30 September each year. 

*In the event that there is a negative evaluation in the test called, the CAPD will summon the affected doctoral student within the period set by the regulations. 



According to the academic regulations governing doctorate studies in accordance with RD99/2011, article 351. Doctoral student assessment, point 2) states the following: This yearly assessment must also include oral and presential presentation by the doctorate student of the state of the work carried out. In exceptional cases the academic committee of the doctorate programme may, having obtained a report by the superviser and the tutor, grant permission to replace presential presentation with another format.