Historical Demography
The area of historical demography, in which the Centre for Demographic Studies has worked since its inception, was greatly boosted with the project Five Centuries of Marriages (ERC-2010-AdvancedGrant-269796, IP: Anna Cabré). This project has opened up a new line of specialist research in preservation, transcription, harmonisation and publicising of historical collections of demographic interest (Marriage Records books, parish and public records, censuses, and electoral rolls). This research, in collaboration with the Computer Vision Centre at the UAB, makes intensive use of digital platforms and techniques in automatic recognition of manuscripts. Thanks to the data thus recovered, numerous aspects of the demographic dynamics and the social structure of past populations are studied. Particular emphasis is given to the use of nominative data (names and surnames) in studying intergenerational transmission of social position, occupational mobility and in gauging, by indirect methods, mortality and migratory movements.

Ph.D in Political and Social Sciences (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)