International Immigration and Territory


International migratory flows have an unequal impact in areas where the newcomers settle, modifying the sociodemographic composition of the population of these spaces and having an increasingly visible presence. These territorial imbalances are the result of the different determinants that attract the flows and also of the sociodemographic characteristics of the migrants. In this area of research, the main focuses of study are the processes linked with the territorial settlement of international immigrants, among them residential segregation, concentration of space, and increasing diversity in the composition of the population in these areas. These processes are observed from a geodemographic standpoint, analysing their causes and consequences from the residential perspective as well as those of other spheres such as schooling. Migratory flows of arrival and departure on different scales, the sociodemographic composition of the immigrant and autochthonous populations, and the relations established between the various population groups in the territory are studied. The structural characteristics of the zones of settlement are also considered, as well as their evolution over time. The analysis is carried out on different scales with particular attention to neighbourhoods and census sections of large urban areas.


Jordi Bayona Carrasco
Jordi Bayona Carrasco Researcher (UB/CED) Ph.D in Demography (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Andreu Domingo Valls
Andreu Domingo Valls Deputy Director of the CED Ph.D in Sociology (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)
Juan Galeano
Juan Galeano Researcher (UAB/CED) Ph.D in Demography (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Sílvia Gastón Guiu
Sílvia Gastón Guiu Junior Researcher (CED/UAB) Bachelor's Degree in Sociology (Universidad de Salamanca)
Andreu Domingo Valls
Andreu Domingo Valls Deputy Director of the CED
Ph.D in Sociology (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)
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