Barcelona Summer School of Demography | Module 3: Data visualization with R

Barcelona Summer School of Demography | Module 3: Data visualization with R

Descripció del curs

The Barcelona Summer School of Demography (BSSD) program is a comprehensive four-week course focusing exclusively on the R statistical language. It is structured into four distinct modules, with each module spanning a week (20hs), designed to provide an in-depth understanding of different aspects of the R language: statistical and demographic analysis, data visualization and spatial analysis. Applicants are invited to enrol in either the full four-week BSSD course or select individual modules that align with their specific learning needs and interests.

Module 3 focuses on data visualization using ggplot2 and the ‘tidyverse’ approach in R programming.
In the application form, candidates are required to specify the mode of attendance for the course, either in-person or online. Participants will be selected on a competitive basis based on motivation and research interests. Priority will be given to early-career researchers (Master and PhD students), but applicants from more advanced stages are also welcome. Applicants will be informed about the results of the selection process by 5 April 2024.  Students registered in two or more other Bcn4Seasons School courses will be automatically considered for the Barcelona Summer School of Demography, without going through any selection process.
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  • Day 1:  Basic dataviz principles, impressive dataviz showcases, tidy approach to data, {ggplot2} basics.
  • Day 2: More advanced {ggplot2}, colors in dataviz, themes and fonts, population pyramids and animation.
  • Day 3: Useful types of dataviz, Dotplots – the most neglected and powerful type of dataviz, Heatmaps, equality-line, ggridges, treemap, Ternaty plots and ternary colorcoding.
  • Day 4: The basics of map projections 2) {sf} – the game changer in #rspatial, `geom_sf`. Mapping Europe with {eurostat}. Mapping the US with {tidycensus}.
  • Day 5: Dataviz challenge in teams, brief presentations by teams and discussion, course wrap-up.

Què aprendràs

Participants will learn the tidyverse approach to R and how to produced different types of data visualizations using ggplot2.

Públic objectiu del curs

Master and PhD Students, Researchers, Data Journalists and people how work with population data in general.

Formació i equipament necessari

Participants are expected to bring their own laptop, with R and RStudio installed. Also a general knowledge the R environment is required.


Ilya Kashnitsky

Ilya is a postdoctoral researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics, University of Southern Denmark. His research focuses on regional variations in population age structures across Europe, the demographic processes shaping them, their dynamics and possible implications for economies and societies.

Más información

Barcelona Summer School of Demography | Module 3: Data visualization with R


15 jul. 2024 - 19 jul. 2024

Límit d'inscripció

16 març 2024


Monday to Friday from 10 hs to 14 hs


In person and online (hybrid)


300 €



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