
Joan García-Román i Xiana Bueno imparteixen la conferència "Gender and Fertility in Spain from a Relative Ressources Perspective", en el marc dels Seminaris Brown-bag CED

Organitza: Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics

Lloc: Sala Àngels Torrents, CED

Hora: 12:30 - 13:30

Joan García-Román és Investigador Beatriu de Pinós del CED i Xiana Bueno, Investigadora Marie Skłodowska Curie a la Harvard University i al CED.

Conferència.- Gender and Fertility in Spain from a Relative Ressources Perspective.

Abstract.- Fertility decisions among Spanish couples in the last few decades have been strongly driven by the economic uncertainty and labor-market conditions in a context in which dual-earner couples have become the norm. However, each partner’s job does not have the same weight in such decisions. Either because of the gender inequality in the labor market and institutions or because of the persistence of a gender inequal ideology among some couples, women tend to continue being the primary caregivers after childbirth. This paper analyzes fertility from a gender perspective, taking into account the relative resources of both parents. We explore how the relative resources perspective, which has been mainly applied to the unequal division of productive and reproductive work on couples, can provide insights in understanding couples’ fertility decisions. Specifically, we observe the patterns of fertility and homogamy according to the educational level of parents, the couples’ employment arrangement, and their position in the scale of occupational prestige. We use data from the Spanish Labor Force Survey between 2002 and 2018.