Hal Caswell imparteix una conferència en el marc del Col·loquium al CED
Organitza: Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics
Lloc: Sala Àngels Torrents, CED
Hora: 10:40 - 12:30
Previ al Col·loqui, de 10:40 a 11:00h, esteu tots convidats a l’Espai del cafè.
Hal Caswell és Professor a l’Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, a la University of Amsterdam, Països Baixos.
Abstract.- Any individual is surrounded by a network of kin that develops over the lifetime of that individual. The kinship structure reflects the schedules of fertility and mortality by which kin are produced and removed. The challenge to a formal demography of kinship is to calculate the properties of the kinship network from its demographic determinants. To do so, I introduce a new model framework that provides the complete age structure, of any kin, of a focal individual of any age. The model describes the kinship network by a system of coupled matrix population models. This is not as complicated as it sounds. From the age distribution, other kinship properties are easily calculated (mean and variance of age, total numbers, dependency measures, health status, coresidence, experience of death of kin, etc). I will present the basic model structure and some examples based on mortality and fertility schedules of Japan.