Colloquium Eva Beaujouan (University of Vienna): Late fertility across the high-income countries.
Organitza: Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics
Lloc: Virtual
Hora: 12:00 - 13:00
Ponent: Eva Beaujouan (University of Vienna)
Títol: Late fertility across the high-income countries.
Abstract: After decades of decline in birth rates at younger ages, childbearing after age 30 has become prominent to explain overall fertility levels in Europe, the English-speaking countries and East Asia. The desire and ability of those who did not have children in their 20s to have them later (“fertility recuperation”) are thus decisive for future fertility levels, and for life satisfaction among those who wish to have children. I will provide an overview of the recent trends towards later childbearing and discuss the implications for individuals as well as for fertility levels.
Modalitat: on-line
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ID de reunión: 874 5783 7876
Código de acceso: 404182