
COLLOQUIUM Ciritel Alexandra-Andreea.- Satisfaction with Being Single: How do Lifelong Singles Differ from the Ever-Partnered Singles?

Organitza: Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics; UAB

Lloc: Semipresencial

Hora: 12:00 - 13:00

Codi: 1984

Title.- Satisfaction with Being Single: How do Lifelong Singles Differ from the Ever-Partnered Singles?

Abstract.- Prior studies have compared the well-being of those single never-married with that of those partnered or ex-partnered. These studies have underlined these singles’ poorer well-being compared to those partnered and better well-being compared to those divorced or windowed. However, singles never-married are a heterogenous group comprising of people who have a cohabiting, or a LAT partner, and of those who never had any intimate partner. This study focuses on the satisfaction with being single among those who currently are not in an intimate relationship, either coresidential or LAT, in Germany. This work points to the heterogeneity among singles according to their previous intimate relationships, disentangling those who never had an intimate partner in adulthood – defined as lifelong singles – and those with either past LAT or coresidential relationships. This work also discusses potential selection effects into being single and lifelong single This paper explores how singles’ past intimate relationships and social networks relate to their satisfaction with being single. The results from linear regression models underline the complex role of friends and family in how singles assess their satisfaction with singlehood. This work further suggests that past intimate relationships are of little importance in explaining singles’ satisfaction with not having an intimate partner. This paper provides suggestions for new data collection on singles’ social networks and feelings of being accepted in society which would bring new understanding on the role of friends and family in singles’ lives.