Colloquium Alyson van Raalte (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research): Rising Lifespan Inequality within Disadvantaged Groups: Findings from the LIFEINEQ Project
Hora: 12:00 - 13:00
Alyson van Raalte (Max Planck Institute)
Title: Rising Lifespan Inequality within Disadvantaged Groups: Findings from the LIFEINEQ Project
Talk abstract:
There is a strong correlation between increases in life expectancy and the bulk of mortality being compressed into a narrower age range in national populations. In other words, over time lives have become longer and more predictable. Yet these experiences do not appear to be shared across all members of society. In this talk, I will present the main findings of my 5-year ERC starting grant project LIFEINEQ. I will show that across Europe, ages at death are becoming increasingly diverse within the most disadvantaged groups, even when these groups are experiencing increasing life expectancies, and discuss the implications of these trends.
Modalitat: híbrida