Participació en trobades científiques

2025 PAA Annual Meeting

Organitza: Population Association of America

Lloc: Washington, DC

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+ info


S. Bercovich; F. Fortes De Lena (lecturer).- Queering Demography: An introduction to LGBTQ Population Studies.

Coresidence team.- Workshop – Leveraging Comprehensive Population Microdata from Multiple Repositories: The Case of the CORESIDENCE Project.



Júlia A. Calazans. Discussant 1. Session Title.- Socioeconomic Inequalities in Mortality in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Final Session Number 1

Albert Esteve, 6Discussant 1; Ariane Ophir, Chair 1, Session Title.- Aging and Living Arrangements in an International Perspective. Final Session Number 24

Ewa Batyra, Chair 1 Session Title.- Causes and Impacts of Reporting Issues in Population Research. Final Session Number 47

Diederik Boertien, Chair 1 Session Title.- New Perspectives on Family Formation. Final Session Number 52

Fernanda Fortes De Lena. Chair 1. Session Title.- Gender- and Sexuality-Based Violence. Final Session Number 54


S. Vidal; M. Lecoursonnais; R. Valente; M. Branden. Neighborhood Disadvantage and Residential Mobility from Early Life into Adulthood: Impacts on Socioeconomic Outcomes. 37-3
A. Ophir; K. Kolpashnikova. Breaking Down the Single Life: A Gendered Cross-National Look at Time Use.  75-1
F. Becca. Family-anchored Transitions to Adult Life in Mexico. 68-2
Q. Cui; D. Boertien; A. Esteve. Quantifying the Role of Self-declared Obstacles to Unachieved Fertility: Proposing a New Method.  90-3
Q. Cui; D. Boertien; A. Esteve. Quantifying the Role of Self-declared Obstacles to Unachieved Fertility: Proposing a New Method. 90-3
D. Boertien. Assisted Reproduction Techniques and Trends in Parenthood Among Women in Same-Sex Couples. 126-1
I. Permanyer Population Growth, International Migration, and Global Income Inequality. 151-4
J. Calazans; J. Spijker; E. Renteria; S. Trias-Llimos. Forecasting Dementia Mortality Among Older Adults in Low-Mortality Countries.  175
M-P Bergeron-Boucher; S. Trias-Llimós; A. Desesquelles. Diversity in Causes of Death: A New Approach Using Multiple Causes-of-Death Life Tables.  175
G. Lanfiuti Baldi; A. Nigri; S. Trias-Llimós; E. Barbi. The Decline of “Deaths of Despair” in Italy: Unveiling This Phenomenon in a New Context.  175
M. Barbieri; A. Desesquelles; V. Egidi; L. Frova; F. Grippo; F. Mesle; S. Trias-Limos. Multimorbidity at Death and the U.S. Disadvantage in Life Expectancy. 175-4
J. Garcia-Gomez; J. Galeano; A. Esteve. Analyzing Population Diversity: A Comparative Analysis of National and Subnational Heterogeneities in a Global Context.  182-3
M. Pohl; E. Batyra; A. Esteve. The Stability of Child Fostering in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Senegal.  186-2
S. Bercovich .- Gender Trajectory Milestones From a Life Course Perspective: A Comparison Across Contexts. 190-1
S. Bercovich Gender Trajectory Milestones from a Life Course Perspective: A Comparison Across Contexts. 192-1
M. Miranda; U. Basellini; E. Acosta; R. Rau; E. Zagheni. Assessing the Moderate Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cohort Life Expectancy: A Global Analysis  197-1
F. Fortes De Lena; D. Boertien. Are We Comparing “Apples and Oranges”? Same-Sex Couples and LGB Individuals in Surveys in the Americas. 216-5
M. Odasso; D. Boertien. Family-Related Experiences and the Mental Health of Return Migrants in Mexico  218-3
S. Ruggles; J. Garcia Roman; A. Esteve. Determinants of Residence With Kin: A Comparative Analysis of 300 Samples of 90 Countries, 1703–2023.  227-1
E. Renteria. Beyond the Household: The Hidden Role of Interhousehold Transfers. 227-3
D. S. Lee; E. Batyra; Z. Buyukkececi; K. Wright. Age at Menarche and Timing of First Birth: Consistency and Changing Patterns in the Global South 232-4J.

F. Becca; A. Esteve; A. Castro. Changes in Latin American and Caribbean household structure amidst fertility decline, 1960-2020. P01
H. Fang; J. Galeano. Increase in Old Age Couples Living Alone in Vietnam, 1989–2019. P01
J. Calazans; J. Spijker; E. Renteria; S. Trias-Llimos. Forecasting Dementia Mortality Among Older Adults in Low-Mortality Countries P03
J. Spijker, P. A. Castro-Prieto.- The prevalence of chronic diseases according to Body Mass Index categories and integer categories: The case of Spain. P03
J. Garcia-Gomez; A. Lopez-Gay. Residential Stratification of Highly Educated Immigrants in Spain’s Urban Areas: A Multilevel Latent Class Analysis. P04
C. Ruiz-Ramos; A. CastroImmigrants’ Modes of Incorporation in Spain: A Multivariate Quantitative Approach. P04
G. Geremia. Does Context Matter for Parenthood Desires of LGB Individuals? A Comparison Across Two Cohorts. P05
E. Batyra; B. Wilson. The Distribution of Reproduction During a Fertility Transition: Declining Spread of Parenthood in Brazil. P06
C. Ruiz-Ramos. Migration and Wealth Accumulation Strategies in the Transition to Parenthood. P08
R. Trias-Prats; G. Floridi; A. Esteve. Living Arrangements of Mexican Women up to Age 30: Stability and Social Stratification Across Cohorts. P08
S. Dai; A. Esteve; J. Garcia Roman. Determinants of Regional Disparities in Older Adult–Child Coresidence in China. P08
S. Bignami; L. Trudeau-Laurin; J. Galeano; A. Esteve. Changing Kin Relationships During the 21st Century in Canada, Europe, and the United States. P08
S. Kim; A. Esteve. Who Lives Alone in Korea? P08
J. Garcia Roman; A. Martinez Mendiola. Household Size and the Gender Division of Housework in Latin America. P08
C. Micheletti; A. Van Raalte; I. Permanyer. Multistate Distributions and Morbidity Compression: Advancing the Debate on Aging and Health. P10
J. Galeano; A. Esteve. The CORESIDENCE Database: Living Arrangements Around the World, 1970–2021. P10
C. Micheletti; C. Strozza; I. Permanyer. Compression or Expansion of Morbidity: Evaluating Life Expectancy with and Without Chronic Conditions in Denmark. P10