Queering Demography: A Critical Overview of Demographic Studies and Methods

Queering Demography: A Critical Overview of Demographic Studies and Methods

Descripció del curs

This course aims to explore demographic techniques and their impact from a queer perspective. Throughout the course, we will introduce concepts and definitions related to queer studies, delving into the lived experiences of the LGBTQ+ population and how these experiences can enrich researchers in their studies. We will critically examine the challenges posed by the sex binary and heteronormative assumptions prevalent in traditional demographic theories and methods. Additionally, we will explore widely used measurements in representative surveys and censuses that go beyond these limitations. Towards the end of the course, a workshop will be conducted to provide participants with hands-on experience in applying these critiques to their own research and projects.


  • Queer theory approach to Demography.
  • Concepts and definitions related to gender, sexual identity and orientation.
  • Measurement, queer data and available representative surveys and censuses.
  • State of the art: Health and well-being, education, labor market, family formation.
  • Workshop: how to apply on your own project (or future projects).

Què aprendràs

Students will gain a critical mindset of traditional demographic methods from a queer perspective. This includes a deeper look at LGBTQ+ lived experiences and how this can inform data and research, an overview of current studies and challenges, as well as valuable guidance to develop research and projects.

Públic objectiu del curs

The course will be useful to Phd Students, Researchers, and Policy Makers

Formació i equipament necessari

Basic knowledge of feminist and queer theories will be helpful.


Fernanda Fortes de Lena

Fernanda is a Latin American demographer with research focused on sexual and gender minorities. Has experience in applying quantitative methods as well as qualitative methods. Coordinator of the Network of LGBTQ+ Studies in Demography of the Asociación Latinoamericana de Población (ALAP)

Más información

Sabina Bercovich Szulmajster

Sabi is a Queer, Latin American, Social Data Scientist and Actuary, currently conducting their PhD studying Gender based inequalities from a broader-than-binary gender perspective. Previous experiences include working with UNDP, UN Women, among others.

Más información

Queering Demography: A Critical Overview of Demographic Studies and Methods


29 set. 2025 - 03 oct. 2025

Límit d'inscripció

14 jul. 2025


Monday to Friday from 15.00h to 18.00h


In person or online


50 € (special fee)



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