
Colloquium Frank Furstenberg (University of Pennsylvania).- The Sociology and Demography of Kinship: A Neglected Area of Research

Organitza: Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics

Lloc: virtual:

Hora: 12:00 - 13:00

Colloquium Frank Furstenberg (University of Pennsylvania)

Title: The Sociology and Demography of Kinship: A Neglected Area of Research

Once a subject of much research in the latter half of the past century, research on kinship has largely disappeared in the recent work of sociologists and demographers.  In two papers that I and colleagues published in the Journal of Marriage and Family in 2020, I review the history of kinship research and point out the theoretical importance for family researchers to take account of both continuities and discontinuities between past and present kinship practices (living arrangements, exchange, and association).
My aim is to revitalize research on kinship both as a ceremonial aspect of family rituals and relations and as a support system for family members.   The second of the papers explores the theoretical and practical problems of constructing and navigating kinship relations in alternative family forms that have become more prominent in the 21st Century.
The aim of the seminar is to generate a discussion of novel areas of research that provide insights into how kinship is conceived and practiced contemporary societies.  I will briefly summarize the main conclusions of the papers and hope for a lively discussion of the possibilities of future research.

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