Pablo Gracia is Research Professor of Sociology at Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), and affiliated to the Centre for Demographic Studies (CED). Pablo Gracia is Research Professor of Sociology at Autonomous University of Barcelona. Prof. Gracia is lead PI of a research team that examines Families and Inequalities, currently focusing on three key themes: (1) Social and Population Inequalities in Child Development; (2) Adolescents' Digital Lives and Well-Being; and (3) Gender Gaps in Time Use and Mental Health. He has received over €3 million as PI/co-PI from multiple prestigious funding agencies, such as the European Research Council (i.e., ERC Consolidator Grant Award), Horizon Europe, Irish Research Council, and the Spanish State Research Agency. His research is published in international journals like, among others, the ‘European Sociological Review’, ‘Journal of Marriage and Family’, ‘Information, Communication & Society’, ‘European Journal of Population’, and ‘Advances in Life Course Research’. Before joining CED/UAB, Prof. Gracia was Professor in Sociology at Trinity College Dublin, and before that he obtained postdoctoral positions at the University of Amsterdam and European University Institute.

Pablo Gracia
ORCID 0000-0001-8294-2816 Investigador del CED i Director d'Investigació dpt. Sociologia (UAB)
Titulació: Doctor en Ciències Polítiques i Socials (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Línia/es de recerca:
Estratificació social, Usos del temps
Han, W.H., Gracia, P. & Li, J. (2025). 'Parental Work Schedules and Hours from a Cross-National Perspective: A Welfare Regime Analysis on 29 Countries'. In Repo, K., Tammelin, M. & Eerola, P. (Eds.) Families with Children in a Turbulent Era. Edward Elgar (pp.172-201). ISBN: 978 1 03532 051 6
McDonnell, Cadhla, i Pablo Gracia. 2024. «Family Structure and Women’s Mental Well-Being: How Family Stressors Explain Mental Health Inequalities between Lone and Partnered Mothers». Frontiers in Sociology 9. doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2024.1498987.
Nordrum, E. & Gracia, P. (2024). 'Impacts of Broadband Internet on Adolescents' Academic Outcomes: Heterogenous Effects among Lower Secondary School Students in Norway'. Information,Communication & Society. DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2023.2295360.
García-Román, J., Gracia, P. & Zerbini, G. (2024). 'Cross-National Differences in Adolescents’ Sleep Patterns: A Time-Use Approach'. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. DOI: 10.1080/02673843.2024.2335198
McDonnell,C. & Gracia, P. (2024). 'Family Structure andWomen's Mental Well-Being: How Family Stressors Explain Mental Health Inequalities between Lone and Partnered Mothers'. Frontiers in Sociology. DOI: 10.3389/fsoc.2024.1498987.32.
Entitat Finançadora: European Commission. European Research Council Executive Agency
Referencia: Consolidator Grant Agreement num. 101089233