María Andrée López Gómez
ORCID 0000-0002-1198-4530 Investigadora Beatriu de Pinós
Titulació: Doctora en Biomedicina (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Línia/es de recerca:
Desigualtats en salut
Peters, Susan E., Maria-Andree Lopez Gomez, Gesele Hendersen, Marta Martinez Maldonado, i Jack Dennerlein. 2024. «Feasibility of a Capacity Building Organizational Intervention for Worker Safety and Well-Being in the Transportation Industry». Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 66(7):e272-84. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000003112.
Neis B, Gao W, Cavalli L, Thorvaldsen T, Holmen IM, Jeebhay MF, López Gómez MA, Ochs C, Watterson A, Beck M, Tapia-Jopia C (2023). Mass mortality events in marine salmon aquaculture and their influence on occupational health and safety hazards and risk of injury. Aquaculture. Vol. 566
Souto Cavalli L, Tapia-Jopia C, Ochs C, López Gómez MA, Neis B (2023). Salmon Mass-mortality and Occupational Health and Safety in Chile Aquaculture. All Life. Vol. 16 No. 1
Neis B, López Gómez MA, Reid-Musson E, Greenslade, B., Decker, D., Finnis, J., Knott, C (2022). Fishing safely during COVID-19 in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada: Making it happen. Marine Policy. Vol. 145
Maglalang DD, Katigbak C, López Gómez MA, Sorensen G, Hopcia K, Hashimoto DM, Pandey S, Takeuchi DT, Sabbath EL. (2021). Workplace Discrimination and Short Sleep Among Healthcare Workers: The Buffering Effect of People-Oriented Culture. J Occup Environ Med. 2021;63(10):857-864.
Peters SE, Grogan H, Henderson GM, López Gómez MA, Martínez Maldonado M, Silva Sanhueza I, Dennerlein JT. (2021). Working conditions influencing drivers’ safety and well-being in the transportation industry: “on board” program. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 18(19).
López Gómez MA, Gundersen DA, Boden LI, Sorensen G, Katz JN, Collins JE, Wagner G, Vriniotis MG, Williams JAR. (2021). Validation of the Workplace Integrated Safety and Health (WISH) assessment in a sample of nursing homes using Item Response Theory (IRT) methods. BMJ Open. 11(6):1-9.
Wiber MG, Mather C, Knott C, López Gómez MA. (2021). Regulating the Blue Economy? Challenges to an effective Canadian aquaculture act. Mar Policy. 2021;131(July):14-17.
Parlee CE, Foley P, López Gómez MA, Miah MR, Mather C, Stephenson RL. (2021). Full spectrum sustainability and a theory of access: Integrating social benefits into fisheries governance. Mar Policy. 2021;134.
López Gómez MA, Williams JAR, Boden L, Sorensen G, Hopcia K, Hashimoto D, Sabbath E. (2020) The relationship of occupational injury and use of mental health care. J Safety Res. 74:227-232
López Gómez MA, Sabbath E, Boden L, Williams JAR, Hopcia K, Hashimoto D, Sorensen G. (2019). Organizational and Psychosocial Working Conditions and Their Relationship with Mental Health Outcomes in Patient-Care Workers. J Occup Environ Med. 61(12):E480-E485
López Gómez MA, Sparer-Fine E, Sorensen G, Wagner G. (2019) Literature Review of Policy Implications from Findings of the Center for Work, Health, and Well-being. J Occup Environ Med. 61(11):868-876
Dudel C, López Gómez MA, Benavides FG, Myrskylä M. (2018) The Length of Working Life in Spain: Levels, Recent Trends, and the Impact of the Financial Crisis. Eur J Popul. 34(5):769-791
López Gómez MA, Serra L, Delclos GL, Benavides FG. (2017). Employment history indicators and mortality in a nested case-control study from the Spanish WORKing life social security (WORKss) cohort. PLoS One. 12(6):1-15
Serra L, López Gómez MA, Sanchez-Niubo A, Delclos GL, Benavides FG. (2017). Application of latent growth modeling to identify different working life trajectories: The case of the Spanish WORKss cohort. Scand J Work Environ Heal. 43(1):42-49
López Gómez MA, Durán X, Zaballa E, Sanchez-Niubo A, Delclos GL, Benavides FG. (2016). Cohort profile: The Spanish WORKing life social Security (WORKss) cohort study. BMJ Open. 6(3):1-7
Dudel C, López Gómez MA, Benavides FG, Myrskylä M. (2016). A lost generation? The financial crisis and the length of working life in Spain. Mpidr Work Pap. 010(0):0-46
López MA, Benavides FG, Alonso J, Espallargues M, Durán X, Martínez JM. (2014). La utilidad del uso de datos administrativos en la investigación de salud pública: La Muestra continua de vidas laborales. Gac Sanit. 28(4):334
López MA, Duran X, Alonso J, Martínez JM, Espallargues M, Benavides FG. (2014) Estimating the burden of disease due to permanent disability in Spain during the period 2009-2012. Rev Esp Salud Publica. 88(3):349-358.
Secanell M, Groene O, Arah OA, López MA, Kutryba B, Pfaff H, Klazinga N, Wagner C, Kristensen S, Bartels PD, Garel P, Bruneau C, Escoval A, Franca M, Mora N, Sunol, R. (2014). Deepening our understanding of quality improvement in Europe (DUQuE): overview of a study of hospital quality management in seven countries. Int J Qual Health Care. 26(March):5-15
López MA, Gabilondo A, Codony M, García-Forero C, Vilagut G, Castellví P, Ferrer M, Alonso J. (2013) Adaptation into Spanish of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) and preliminary validation in a student sample. Qual Life Res. 22(5):1099-1104
Groene O, Botje D, Suñol R, Lopez MA, Wagner C. (2013). A systematic review of instruments that assess the implementation of hospital quality management systems. Int J Qual Heal Care.25(5):525-541