Joan García Román
ORCID 0000-0003-2254-5450 Investigador Ramón y Cajal
Titulació: Doctor en Demografia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Línia/es de recerca:
Usos del temps
Lam, Jack, i Joan Garcia. 2024. «Daily activities of older adults before and during the COVID pandemic». The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 79(8):gbae076. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbae076.
García Román, Joan. 2024. «Convergencia de género en el uso del tiempo en el País Vasco. Un análisis a partir de 25 años de la Encuesta de Presupuestos del Tiempo (1993-2018)». Revista Internacional de Sociología 82(2):e249. doi: 10.3989/ris.2024.82.22-086.
Almirall Llambrich, Mireia, Pau Miret Gamundi, i Joan García Román. 2024. «Patrones de género en la dedicación al trabajo doméstico no remunerado de la población adulta mayor en dieciocho países europeos». Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas
Garcia-Roman, Joan, Pablo Gracia, i Giulia Zerbini. 2024. «Cross-national differences in adolescents’ sleep patterns: a time-use approach». International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 29(1):2335198. doi: 10.1080/02673843.2024.2335198.
García-Román, Joan García, i Ariane Ophir. 2024. «Housework Time and Task Segregation: Revisiting Gender Inequality among Parents in 15 European Countries». Demographic Research 50:503-14. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2024.50.19.
Galeano, Juan, Albert Esteve, Anna Turu, Joan García-Roman, Federica Becca, Huifen Fang, Maria Pohl, i Rita Trias-Prats. 2024. «CORESIDENCE: National and Subnational Data on Household Size and Composition around the World, 1964–2021». Scientific Data 11(1):145. doi: 10.1038/s41597-024-02964-3.
Esteve, Albert, Maria Pohl, Federica Becca, Huifen Fang, Juan Galeano, Joan García-Román, David Reher, Rita Trias-Prats, i Anna Turu. 2024. «A Global Perspective on Household Size and Composition, 1970–2020». Genus 80(1):2. doi: 10.1186/s41118-024-00211-6.
García-Román, Joan. 2023. «Does women’s educational advantage mean a more egalitarian distribution of gender roles? Evidence from dual-earner couples in Spain». Journal of Family Studies 29(1):285-305. doi: 10.1080/13229400.2021.1915852.
González-Leonardo, Miguel, Aude Bernard, Joan Garcia-Roman, i Antonio Lopez-Gay. 2023. «Tertiary education and internal migration across Europe». N-IUSSP. IUSSP’s online news magazine
GONZÁLEZ-LEONARDO, Miguel; BERNARD, Aude; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan; LÓPEZ-GAY, Antonio (2022) “Educational Selectivity of Native and Foreign-Born Internal Migrants in Europe.” Demographic Research 47 (December): 1033–46. DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2022.47.34
LOZANO, Mariona; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2022) “The division of housework and re-partnering in Europe: Is there a West/East divide?”. Family Relations, 71 (4): 1762-1784 (ISSN: 0197-6664). https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12715
I.F.: JCR (SSCI)_2021_Q3_Family Studies, i.i. 1.879
SJR_2021_Q1_Social Sciences (miscellaneous), i.i. 0.747
GARCÍA ROMÁN, Joan; GRACIA, Pablo (2022) “Are men and women spending their time equally? Gender Differences in Time Use Across Age Groups”. PopDigest.
GARCÍA ROMÁN, Joan; GRACIA, Pablo (2022) “Gender differences in time use across age groups: A study of ten industrialized countries, 2005-2015”. PLoS ONE, 17 (3), e0264411: 1-24 (eISSN: 1932-6203). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0264411
I.F.: JCR (SCIE)_2021_Q2_Multidisciplinary Sciences, i.i. 3.752
SJR_2021_Q1_Multidisciplinary, i.i. 0.852
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2021) “Couples’ Relative Education and the Division of Domestic Work in France, Spain, and the United States”. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 52 (2): 245-270 (ISSN: 0047-2328).
I.F.: JCR (SSCI)_2020_Q4_Family Studies, i.i. 0.297
SJR_2020_Q3_Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 0.161
LAM, Jack; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2021) “Contour of the Day: Social Patterning of Time in Later Life and Variation in Reported Well-Being in Activities”. Journal of Aging and Health (First Published: April 22, 2021): 1-13 (ISSN: 0898-2643). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/08982643211011800
JCR_2019_Q2_Gerontology, i.i. 2.136
SJR_2019_Q1_Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 1.062
GRACIA, Pablo; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan; OINAS, Tomi; ANTTILA, Timo (2021) “Gender differences in child and adolescent daily activities: A cross-national time use study”. Acta Sociologica (First published, April 29, 2021): 1-25 (0001-6993). https://doi.org/10.1177/00016993211008500
I.F.: JCR_2019_Q3_Sociology, i.i. 1.273
SJR_2019_Q1_Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 0.74
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2021) “Does women's educational advantage mean a more egalitarian distribution of gender roles? Evidence from dual-earner couples in Spain”. Journal of Family Studies (Online: 26 April 2021): 1-21 (ISSN: 1322-9400). https://doi.org/10.1080/13229400.2021.1915852
BUENO, Xiana; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2021) “Rethinking Couples’ Fertility in Spain: Do Partners’ Relative Education, Employment, and Job Stability Matter?”. European Sociological Review, jcaa070: 1-17 (ISSN: 1468-2672 / Published: 05 February 2021). https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcaa070
I.F.: JCR_2019_Q2_Sociology, i.i. 1.893
SJR_2019_Q1_Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 2.664
GARCÍA ROMÁN, Joan (05.02.2021) Entrevista a Joan García Román: “L’impacte de la pandèmia també es notarà en un descens de la fecunditat”. L’actual.cat
ESTEVE, Albert; KASHYAP, Ridhi; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2020) “Demographic change and increasing late singlehood in East Asia, 2010–2050”. Demographic Research, 43 (46): 1367-1398 (ISSN: 1435-9871). DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.43.46
I.F.: JCR_2019_Q3_Demography, 1.438
SJR_2019_Q1_ Demography, i.i. 1.004
GENADEK, Katie R.; FLOOD, Sarah M.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2020) “Same-Sex Couples’ Shared Time in the United States”. Demography, 57 (2): 475-500 (ISSN: 0070-3370). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13524-020-00861-z
I.F.: JCR_2018_Q1_Demography, i.i. 2.489
SJR_2018_Q1_Demography, i.i. 2.791
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2020) “La división de los roles de género en las parejas en las que solo trabaja la mujer en Estados Unidos y España”. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas-REIS, 170: 73-94 (ISSN-L: 0210-5233).
JCR_2018_Q3_Sociology, i.i.0.859
SJR_2018_Q2_Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 0.469
GRACIA, Pablo; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan; OINAS, Tomi; ANTTILA, Timo (2020) “Child and Adolescent Time Use: A Cross-National Study”. Journal of Marriage and Family (First published: 22 November 2019): 1-22 (ISSN: 1741-3737). DOI: 10.1111/jomf.12626
I.F.: JCR_2018_Q1_Family Studies, i.i. 2.582
SJR_2018_Q1_Social Sciences (miscellaneous), i.i. 2.178
LAM, Jack; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2020) “Solitary Days, Solitary Activities, and Associations With Well-Being Among Older Adults”. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 75 (7): 1585-1596 (ISSN: 1079-5014). https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbz036
I.F.: JCR_2019_Q1_Psychology / Q2_Geratrics & Gerontology, i.i. 3.502
SJR_2019_Q1_ Sociology and Political Science /Health (social science), i.i. 1,591
GENADEK, Katie; FLOOD, Sarah M.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2019) “Same-Sex Couples’ Shared Time in the United States”. Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota. Working Paper, 2019-03: 36p.
PERMANYER, Iñaki; ESTEVE, Albert; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2019) “Decomposing patterns of college marital sorting in 118 countries: Structural constraints versus assortative mating”. Social Science Research, 83 (Article 102313): 1-18 (ISSN: 0049-089X).
JCR_2018_Q2_Sociology, i.i.1,765
SJR_2018_Q1_ Sociology and Political Science, i.i.1,293
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2018) “El repartiment de les feines de casa en les parelles en què només treballa la dona”. Observatori Social de “la Caixa”. Dossier, 6: 28-39. I.F.: NO Index.
AJENJO, Marc; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2018) “Intergenerational transmission of gender roles in the household”. Catalan Social Sciences Review, 8: 25-40 (e-ISSN:2014-6035). Original source: Revista Catalana de Sociologia, 29: 35-47 (2014).
GRACIA, Pablo; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2018) “Child and Adolescent Developmental Activities and Time Use in Spain: The Gendered Role of Parents’ Work Schedules and Education Levels”. European Sociological Review. 34 (5): 518-538 (ISSN: 0266-7215).
I.F.: JCR_2017_Q1_Sociology, i.i. 3.117
SJR_2017_Q1_Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 2.728
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GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan; FLOOD, Sarah (2018) “Leveraging Archival Data in Global Work-Family Research: The Case of Time Use Data”. SHOCKLEY, Kristen M.; SHEN, Winny; JOHNSON, Ryan C. (Ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of the Global Work–Family Interface. Cambridge University Press. Cap. 10: 193-211 (ISBN: 978-1-108-41597-2).
LAM, Jack; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2017) “General and proximal associations between unpaid eldercare, time constraints and subjective well-being”. International Journal of Care and Caring, 1 (1): 83-96.
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan; FLOOD, Sarah; GENADEK, Katie R. (2017) “Parents’ time with a partner in cross-national context: A comparison of the US, Spain, and France”. Demographic Research, 36 (4): 111-144 (ISSN: 1435-9871). | [PDF]
GENADEK, Katie R.; FLOOD, Sarah M.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2016). “Trends in Spouses’ Shared Time in the United States, 1965–2012”. Demography, 53 (6): 1801-1820 (ISSN: 0070-3370). | [PDF]
ESTEVE, Albert; SCWHARTZ, Christine; VAN BAVEL, Jan; PERMANYER, Iñaki; KLESMENT, Martin; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2016). “The End of Hypergamy: Global Trends and Implications”. Population and Development Review, 42 (4): 615-625 (ISSN: 1728-4457). | [PDF]
ESTEVE, Albert; LESTHAEGHE, Ron J.; LÓPEZ-GAY, Antonio; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2016). “The Rise of Cohabitation in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1970-2011”. ESTEVE, Albert; LESTHAEGHE, Ron (Ed.). Cohabitation and Marriage in the Americas: Geo-historical Legacies and New Trends. New York: Springer International Publishing, Chapter 2: 25-57 (ISBN 978-3-319-31440-2). | [PDF]
Sala de premsa UAB (08.03.2016). Entrevista a Joan García: “El temps que es passa en parella depèn sobretot de factors culturals". UAB. | [PDF]
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan; CORTINA, Clara (2016) “Family time of couples with children: shortening gender differences in parenting?”. Review of Economics of the Household, 14 (4): 921–940 (ISSN: 1569-5239).
CÁMARA, Antonio D.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2015) “Anthropometric geography applied to the analysis of socioeconomic disparities: cohort trends and spatial patterns of height and robustness in 20th-century Spain”. Population, Space and Place, 21 (8): 704-719 (ISSN: 1544-8452).
KASHYAP, Ridhi; ESTEVE, Albert; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2015) "Potential (mis?)match: Marriage markets amidst social and demographic change, India 2010-2050". Demography, 52: 183-208
PERMANYER, Iñaki; ESTEVE, Albert; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan; McCAA, Robert (2015) "Human Development Index-like small area estimates for Africa computed from IPUMS-integrated census microdata". Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. A Multi-Disciplinary Journal for People-Centered Development, 16(2): 245-271. DOI: 10.1080/19452829.2014.956300.
AJENJO, Marc; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2014) "Cambios en el uso del tiempo de las parejas ¿Estamos en el camino hacia una mayor igualdad?" Revista Internacional de Sociología, 72(2): 453-476. DOI: 10.3989/ris.2012.05.28.
AJENJO, Marc; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2014) "La transmissió intergeneracional de rols de gènere a la llar". Revista Catalana de Sociologia, 29: 35-47. DOI: 10.2436/20.3005.01.55.
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2013) El tiempo con la familia en las parejas de doble ingreso. Un análisis a partir de la Encuesta de Empleo del Tiempo 2009-2010. Estadística Española, 55(182): 259-282
PERMANYER, Iñaki; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan; ESTEVE, Albert (2013) The Impact of Educational Homogamy on Isolated Illiteracy Levels. Demography, 50 (6): 2209-2225 (ISSN: 0070-3370).
ESTEVE, Albert; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan; McCAA, Robert (2012). "Comparative Perspectives on Marriages and International Migration, 1970-2000: Findings from IPUMS-International Census Microdata Samples". DOO-SUB KIM (Ed.). Cross-border marriage: Global Trends and Diversity. Seoul: Korean Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA).
AJENJO, Marc; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2012). "La incidencia de la crisis económica en las desigualdades en el uso del tiempo de las parejas". REQUES, Pedro; De COS, Olga (Ed.). La población en clave territorial. Procesos, estructuras y perspectivas de análisis. Actas del XIII Congreso de la Población Española (12-14 de septiembre de 2012). Santander: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; Gobierno de Cantabria; Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles; Universidad de Cantabria, 352-362 (CD).
GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan; AJENJO, Marc (2012) "¿Son las parejas españolas menos igualitarias que las europeas? Diferencias en el tiempo empleado en trabajo no remunerado entre España, Italia, Francia, Alemania y Reino Unido". Documents dAnàlisi Geogràfica, 58(3): 397-416.
ESTEVE, Albert; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan; LESTHAEGHE, Ron (2012) "The Family Context of Cohabitation and Single Motherhood in Latin America". Population and Development Review, 38(4): 707-727.
ESTEVE, Albert; SPIJKER, Jeroen; RIFFE, Timothy; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2012) Spousal and parental roles among female student populations in 55 low- and middle- income countries. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, 10: 77-94.
ESTEVE, Albert; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan; PERMANYER, Iñaki (2012) "The Gender-Gap Reversal in Education and Its Effect on Union Formation: The End of Hypergamy?". Population and Development Review, 38 (3): 535546.
AJENJO, Marc; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2011) "El tiempo productivo, reproductivo y de ocio en las parejas de doble ingreso". Papers. Revista de Sociologia (Inmigración e integración sociolaboral en España y Estados Unido), 96(3): 985-1006.
ESTEVE, Albert; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan; McCAA, Robert (2010) "La enumeración de la soltería femenina en los censos de población: sesgo y propuesta de corrección". Papeles de Población, 16(66): 9-40
CÁMARA, Antonio David; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2010) "Ciclos largos de nivel de vida biológico en España (1750-1950): propuesta metodológicas y evidencias locales". Investigaciones de Historia Económica. Revista de la Asociación Española de Historia Económica, Junio, pp. 95-118.
DOMINGO, Andreu; LEÓN, P.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2009) "El reagrupament familiar a la Província de Barcelona, 2004-2006: trets demogràfics i distribució territorial". Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 54: 55-78
Entitat Finançadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Referencia: PID2023-148209OB-I00
Entitat Finançadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Referencia: PID2020-118770RB-I00