
Brian Thomas Rosa
ORCID 0000-0002-7389-9454 Investigador UAB vinculat al CED
Titulació: Doctor en Geografia Humana (University of Manchester)
Línia/es de recerca:
Canvi urbà i mobilitat residencial
Brian is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Geography of the UAB and at the Center for Demographic Studies (CED-CERCA), working on the project “Cities in Movement: Socio-Spatial Reconfiguration in the Post-Pandemic Era” funded by Fundació La Caixa (PI: Toni López). He is also Research Associate with Deindustrialization and the Politics of our Time (DePOT). He holds a PhD in Human Geography from The University of Manchester, an MRP in City and Regional Planning from Cornell University, and a BA in Sociology from Clark University. Prior to joining UAB, Brian was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow and Visiting Professor at the Department of Humanities and Global Studies program, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Before that, he was Assistant Professor of Urban Studies and Geography at the City University of New York (CUNY). He has also been a consultant for the Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona for the action-planning network RICONNECT of the European Union program URBACT. His research agenda focuses on the socio-spatial and ecological transformations of former industrial districts, urban infrastructures, gentrification, critical heritage and memory studies, social movements, and experimental multimodal methods. He is co-editor of the book Deconstructing the High Line.
Recent Publications:
Arboleda, Pablo and Brian Rosa (2023). “’But, what’s wrong with ruins?’ Traversing inevitable loss in industrial heritage.” cultural geographies.
Rosa, Brian (2023. “Deindustrialization Without End: Smokestacks as Postindustrial Monuments.” GeoHumanities. Vol. 9 Issue 1
Rosa, Brian (2022). “Case Studies for Infrastructural Reconnection: From “Win-Win” Scenarios Toward the “Right to Stay Put.” RiConnect- Rethinking Infrastructure: Case Studies. Funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) and URBACT as part of RiConnect Action Planning Network, directed by the Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona
Caba, Joan, Mikel Berra-Sandín, Roland Krebs, and Brian Rosa (2022). RiConnect Final Report: Rethink Mobility Infrastructure for Better Metropolises. Funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) and URBACT as part of RiConnect Action Planning Network, directed by the Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona.