
Alba Lanau Sánchez

ORCID 0000-0001-6226-8545 Investigadora Ramón y Cajal (UPF/CED)

Titulació: Doctora en Política Social (University of Bristol)
Línia/es de recerca: Pobresa, Infància i famílies, Fecunditat i llars, Estratificació social, Gènere i desigualtat

Dr Alba Lanau is an applied quantitative researcher with an interest in multidimensional poverty and the early stages of the life course. Currently, she holds at Universitat Pompeu Fabra a ‘Ramón y Cajal’ Postdoctoral Individual Research Fellow examining intra-household inequalities between children and adults in Europe.

Dr Lanau graduated in Political Science at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She has a Master in Public Policy (with Merit) and a PhD in Social Policy both at University of Bristol. Her PhD examined youth poverty and school to work transitions in six European countries using the ECHP and EU-SILC data.

Her research and teaching span across the disciplines of social policy, sociology and development studies. During her career Dr Lanau has been a member in a range of national and international projects, working with diverse institutions such as the UK Home Office, the Tongan Bureau of Statistics and the International Organisation for Migration.

Her interest in measurement led her to work in a range of areas including violence in teenage relationships (project funded by the European Commission, Daphne), and estimating the prevalence of sex work in the UK. Her previous work has been published in a range of high impact journals including the Journal of Social Policy, Social Policy and Society and the Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Child poverty and neighbourhood opportunity structures: managing on low income in Barcelona

Entitat Finançadora: Ajuntament de Barcelona

Referencia: 22S09414-001

Moving in and out of in-work poverty in Spain

Entitat Finançadora: "la Caixa" Foundation. The Social Observatory