
Enrique Pérez Miguel

ORCID 0000-0002-6315-7297 Investigador en Formació (FI CED/UAB)

Titulació: Graduat en Sociologia (Universidad de Salamanca)
Línia/es de recerca: Desigualtats en salut, Salut, mortalitat i causes de mort

Sociologist with a double Master's Degree in Sociology and Demography awarded by Pompeu Fabra University-UPF and the University of Groningen-RUG (Netherlands). While his interests involve various areas of sociology and demography, he has focused his specialization on data analysis, specifically in the field of health during the completion of his Master's Thesis. Currently, he collaborates with Sergi Trias Llimós on the project "Novel measures in cardiovascular mortality and inequalities therein," funded by the BBVA Foundation.