Nachatter Singh Kaur
ORCID 0000-0002-4506-680X Investigador
Titulació: Doctor en Demografia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Línia/es de recerca:
Migracions i interculturalitat
DOMINGO, Andreu; SINGH-GARHA, Nachatter (2022) “La gran mobilització: globalització i migracions”. Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica, 68 (3): 467-480 (ISBN: 0212-1573). https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/dag.744
I.F.: JCR (ESCI)_Q3_Geography, i.i. 0.38
SJR_2021_Q3_ Geography, Planning and Development, i.i. 0.287
SINGH, Nachatter (2022) “From Decarbonization to Depopulation: An Emerging Challenge for the Carbon-Intensive Regions under the Energy Transition in Spain.” Sustainability 14 (22): 14786. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142214786.
I.F.: JCR (SSCI)_2021_Q2_Environmental Sciences, i.i. 3.889
SJR_2021_Q1_Geography, Planning and Development, i.i. 0.664
SINGH GARHA, Nachatter (2021) "Marching for visibility, recognition and identity: Sikh processions in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona". Papers de Demografia, 467: 1-27. Bellaterra: Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics.
SINGH GARHA, Nachatter (2021) "La comunidad Sij en el Área Metropolitana de Barcelona: producción y apropiación del espacio urbano". Papers de Demografia, 466: 1-24. Bellaterra: Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics.
SINGH-GARHA, Nachatter (2020) “Punjabi irregular immigration to Italy and Spain: causes and consequences”. South Asian Diaspora, 12 (2): 195-211 (ISSN: 1943-8192). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19438192.2020.1793449
SJR_2019_Q2_Cultural Studies / Q3_Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 0.148
SINGH GARHA, Nachatter (2020) "Masculinity in the Sikh Community in Italy and Spain: Expectations and Challenges”. Religions (“Exploring Gender and Sikh traditions”), 11 (2), art. 76: 1-17 (ISSN: 2077-1444).
I.F.: JCR_/
SJR_2018_Q1_Religious Studies, i.i. 0.224
SINGH GARHA, Nachatter; DOMINGO, Andreu (2019) “Indian diaspora population and space: national register, UN Global Migration Database and Big Data”. Diaspora Studies, 12 (2): 134-159 (ISSN: 0973-9572).
I.F.: JCR_2018_NO
SJR_2018_Q2_Demography / Q1_History, i.i. 0.303
SINGH GARHA, Nachatter (2020) “Indian immigration to Italy: concentration, internal mobility and economic crisis”. South Asian Diaspora, 12 (1): 51-72 (ISSN: 1943-8192). https://doi.org/10.1080/19438192.2019.1609295
I.F.: SJR_2017_NO
JCR_2017_Q3_Cultural Studies / Q4_Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 0.114
SINGH GARHA, Nachatter; DOMINGO, Andreu (2019) “Migration, religion and identity: a generational perspective on Sikh immigration to Spain”. South Asian Diaspora, 11 (1): 33-50 (ISSN:1943-8192).
I.F.: SJR_2017_NO
JCR_2017_Q3_Cultural Studies / Q4_Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 0.114
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GARHA, Nachatter Singh; PAPARUSSO, Angela (2018) “Fragmented integration and transnational networks: a case study of Indian immigration to Italy and Spain". Genus, 74 (12): 1-26 (ISSN: 2035-5556).
I.F.: JCR_2017_NO
SJR_2017_Q3_Demography, i.i. 0.235
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GARHA, Nachatter Singh (2018) "Indian Diaspora: National register, UN Global Migration Database and Big Data". Papers de Demografia, 462: 1-35. | [PDF]
SINGH GARHA, Nachatter; DOMINGO, Andreu (2017) “Sikh diaspora and Spain: Migration, Hypermobility and Space”. Diaspora Studies, 10 (2): 193-216.
SINGH, Nachatter; DOMINGO, Andreu (2016) "Geografía de la diáspora sikh en España". DOMÍNGUEZ-MUJICA, Josefina; DÍAZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Ramón (Coord.) Actas XV Congreso de la Población Española: Población y territorio en la encrucijada de als ciencias sociales. Fuerteventura, 8-10 de junio de 2016. La Laguna: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: 291-317 (ISBN: 978-84-9042-258-8). | [PDF]
SINGH-GARHA, Nachatter; DOMINGO, Andreu; LÓPEZ-SALA, Ana María (2016) “Surasiáticos en Madrid y Barcelona: encarnando la diversidad”. DOMINGO, Andreu (Ed.) Inmigración y diversidad en España. Crisis económica y gestión municipal. Barcelona: Icaria Editorial. Procesos migratorios, 164: 211-236 (ISBN: 978-84-9888-726-6).
SINGH-GARHA, Nachatter; GALEANO, Juan; DOMINGO, Andreu (2016) “South Asian immigration to Spain: Socio-demographic profile and territorial distribution, 2000–2014”. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 25 (2): 191-205 (ISSN: 0117-1968).
SINGH, Nachatter; GALEANO, Juan (2015) "Concentration and Diversity of South Asian Population in Spain". GARCÍA CASTAÑO, F. J.; MEGÍAS MEGÍAS, A.; ORTEGA TORRES, J. (Eds.) Actas del VIII Congreso sobre Migraciones Internacionales en España (Granada, 16-18 de septiembre de 2015) Granada: Instituto de Migraciones, Simposio 07, pp. 18-35 (format electrònic).