
Andrés F. Castro Torres

ORCID 0000-0003-1032-3869 Investigador (Barcelona Supercomputing Center-BSC) vinculat al CED

Titulació: Doctor en Demografia i Sociologia (University of Pennsylvania)
Línia/es de recerca: Fecunditat i llars, Estratificació social

 I am a Colombian sociologist with a Ph.D. in Demography and Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania (2019). My research focuses on social class and gender differences in family formation and dissolution trajectories, primarily in countries of the global South and among immigrants in the United States and Europe. I use censuses, surveys, administrative records, and vital statistics to answer questions about how the people’s material living conditions throughout their life course associate with specific family and migration paths, and how these family and migration paths influence social class and gender disparities. I also research global inequalities in knowledge production in social sciences.
Information on current project: INTERINEQ
Interconnected inequalities and family life courses in Spain (INTERINEQ)

Entitat Finançadora: "la Caixa" Foundation. The Social Observatory