I hold a PhD from the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. In my doctoral research I combine social stratification, gender, and migration theories to explain labour market inequalities. I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Demographic Studies (CED) in Barcelona, Spain; and a Research Associate at the International and European Forum on Migration Research (FIERI) in Torino, Italy.
I also hold an MPhil degree with distinction in Sociology from the University of Cambridge, and a MSc degree in Social Research Methods, with a second concentration on Social Policy, from the Methodology Institute at the London School of Economics. I obtained my BA degree in Sociology at the University of Barcelona, and I have been an official student at the University of California Berkeley (US), the Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), the University of Essex (UK), and Pompeu Fabra University (ES). I have also worked as a research associate at the Migration Policy Centrein Florence, Italy. Outside academia one of my main passions is to develop and produce documentary films. I have produced ‘Kursaal, la força de la gent’ (2017) [Kursaal, the strength of the people], and I am currently producing and co-writing ‘Beirut, la vie en rose’ (expected 2018). Personal Website: http://me.eui.eu/albert-arcarons/
Albert F. Arcarons
ORCID 0000-0002-4328-255X Investigador
Titulació: Doctor en Sociologia (European University Institute)
Línia/es de recerca:
ARCARONS, Albert; MUÑOZ COMET, Jacobo (2018) “Paro y temporalidad de los inmigrantes que llegaron a España durante la infancia”. Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2018 (“Inmigración y asilo, en el centro de la arena política”): 184-209 (ISSN: 2462-6732). | [PDF]
ARCARONS, Albert F.; MUÑOZ-COMET, Jacobo (2018) “The 1.5 Immigrant Generation in Spain. Has the Employment Crisis Affected them in a Similar Way as the First Generation?”. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas-REIS, 164: 21-40 (ISSN-L: 0210-5233).
I.F.: JCR_2017_Q3_Sociology, i.i. 0,75
SJR_2017_Q2_Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 0.46
| [PDF]
SÁNCHEZ-MONTIJANO, Elena; ARCARONS, Albert (2018) “Southern Europe”. A. Triandafyllidou; M.L. McAuliffe (Ed.) Migrant Smuggling Data and Research: A global review of the emerging evidence base. Vol 2. Geneva: International Organization for Migration, Cap. 5: 99-121 (SBN: 978-92-9068-768-9). | [PDF]
ARCARONS, Albert F. (2018) “Fostering the Economic Integration of Asylum-Seekers and Beneficiaries of International Protection: The role of Social Partners”. FIERI Working Papers (22.03.2018): 1-41 (ISBN: 978-88-940630-8-0).