Research Tools

Within the framework of the Quality System of the administrative and management processes of the CENTRE D'ESTUDIS DEMOGRÀFICS, as well as the actions of the research staff in the different areas of their work, a series of plans and protocols are made available in this section to facilitate research, teaching, dissemination and transfer of results. All this material forms part of the CED's Action Plan linked to the European Commission's "hr" distinction (Human Excellence in Research). On the occasion of the COVID-19 Pandemic, a set of documents has also been added to facilitate teleworking, where this is advisable, both from the point of view of personal and research data protection, as well as health and safety at work.
Research Party
Every year, on the occasion of the anniversary of the CED’s establishment on 10 February 1984, a "Research Party" is held. A research result of a work in progress or already finished, or of an article in preparation, is exhibited. It takes 4 or 5 minutes to comment on a graph, a table, a map... that allow everyone to know the scientific-technical activity of the CED. The event is rounded off with a hot chocolate and churros.