Welcome to the Web page of the Centre for Demographic Studies (CED), an institution which offers research and training in demography. Demography is the science which studies the structure and dynamics of human populations. This includes such relevant themes as fertility, families, education, work, life expectancy and migration.
I invite you to explore the page in order to discover for yourself who we are, the work we do, and how we do it at the CED. You will find information about our research, which is organised into three main groups of investigation, and the services we provide in the domain of applied demography, especially in the field of population forecasts.
With future demographers in mind, we have posted information about the Master’s Degree and PhD programme which we organise jointly with the Department of Geography at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. In order to keep up with scientific news from the CED, you can subscribe to our two periodical publications, Perspectives Demogràfiques (detailing the latest developments in demography) and the Bulletin Information with news and information about activities.
I hope you enjoy our page. Now you know where we are, who we are and what we do.
Albert Esteve
Director of the Centre for Demographic Studies
Welcome tools
- Welcome document CAT ESP ENG
- Checklist of Procedures Before Entering Spain
- COVID-19 Contingency Plan C8 CAT_ENG
I invite you to explore the page in order to discover for yourself who we are, the work we do, and how we do it at the CED