Anna Turu Sánchez
ORCID 0000-0002-8888-5303 Statistics Support Technician
Educational qualifications: University Diploma in Statistics (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Research Theme/s:
Health Inequalities, Fertility and Households
Galeano, Juan, Albert Esteve, Anna Turu, Joan García-Roman, Federica Becca, Huifen Fang, Maria Pohl, i Rita Trias-Prats. 2024. «CORESIDENCE: National and Subnational Data on Household Size and Composition around the World, 1964–2021». Scientific Data 11(1):145. doi: 10.1038/s41597-024-02964-3.
Esteve, Albert, Maria Pohl, Federica Becca, Huifen Fang, Juan Galeano, Joan García-Román, David Reher, Rita Trias-Prats, i Anna Turu. 2024. «A Global Perspective on Household Size and Composition, 1970–2020». Genus 80(1):2. doi: 10.1186/s41118-024-00211-6.
ESTEVE, Albert; REHER, David S.; TREVIÑO, Rocío; ZUERAS, Pilar; TURU, Anna (2020) “Living Alone over the Life Course: Cross-National Variations on an Emerging Issue”. Population and Development Review (International Migration: An Anthology from Population and Development Review), 46 (1): 169-189 (ISSN:1728-4457). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/padr.12311
JCR_2018_Q1_Demography, i.i. 2.647
SJR_2019_Q1_Demography, i.i. 1.616
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ESTEVE, Albert; LÓPEZ-GAY, Antonio; LÓPEZ-COLÁS, Julián; PERMANYER, Iñaki; KENNEDY, Sheela; LAPLANTE, Benoît; LESTHAEGHE, Ron J.; TURU, Anna; CUSIDÓ, Teresa. A. (2016). “A Geography of Cohabitation in the Americas, 1970-2010”. ESTEVE, Albert; LESTHAEGHE, Ron (Ed.). Cohabitation and Marriage in the Americas: Geo-historical Legacies and New Trends. New York: Springer International Publishing, Chapter 1: 1-23 (ISBN 978-3-319-31440-2). | [PDF]
LÓPEZ-GAY, Antonio; ESTEVE, Albert; LÓPEZ-COLÁS, Julián; PERMANYER, Iñaki; TURU, Anna; LESTHAEGHE, Ron (2015) "Geografía de la unión libre en América Latina y el Caribe a comienzos del siglo XXI". Scripta Nova. Revista Electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, XIX (509), 1-21.
LÓPEZ-GAY, Antonio; ESTEVE, Albert; LÓPEZ-COLÁS, Julián; PERMANYER, Iñaki; TURU, Anna; KENNEDY, Sheela; LAPLANTE, Benoît; LESTHAEGHE, Ron (2014) "A geography of unmarried cohabitation in the Americas". Demographic Research, 30(art. 59): 1621-1638. DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2014.30.59.
ESTEVE, Albert; TURU, Anna (2014) México: ¿Paraíso homosexual o problemas de registro?". Coyuntura demográfica. Revista sobre los procesos demográficos en México hoy, 5: 39-45 (ISSN: 2007-6355).
LÓPEZ-GAY, Antonio; TURU, Anna; LÓPEZ-COLÁS, Julián; PERMANYER, Iñaki; LESTHAEGHE, Ron; ESTEVE, Albert (2012) Hacia una geografía de la Unión Libre en América Latina y el Caribe. Redatam Informa, 18: 10-20.