‘Demographic Perspectives’ is a quarterly scientific publication which aims to educate the public and make accessible the most relevant aspects of demography. We recommend that you take out a subscription.
The Impact of Job Insecurity on Depressive Symptoms of Parents Descarregar en: català /castellano /english
Childcare in Spain: Strategies and Socioeconomic Determinants Download:: català /castellano /english
Mismatches in finding a romantic partner: Education and gender values in the Spanish marriage market
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Social classes and transition to adulthood in Spain
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Working More Years In Spain Has to Start from a Young Age: Lessons from the Labour Market Exit of People Aged from 50 to 65 in the Last Decade
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Housing demand: Quo vadis?
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Depopulation 1.0: Geography and the Factors of Rural Demographic Decline in the Spain of Developmentalism Download in: català /castellano /english
What about Men? Male Fertility in Spain
Download in: català /castellano /english
Public Health Expenditure and Life Expectancy: A Healthy Investment
Download: català /castellano /english
Increased Longevity in Europe: Adding Years to Life or Life to Years?
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Job precariousness and poverty dynamics among households with children
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Changes of residence in times of COVID-19: a small respite from rural depopulation
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Households and real estate: Strategies of accumulation and inequality in Spain, 2002-2017
Download: català / castellano / english
Shorter Lives with Poor Health: The Toll on Spain’s Less Educated Population
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El Explorador Social: el dato hecho realidad
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Disease-free life expectancy has not improved in Spain Download: català /castellano /english
Fertility Trends by Educational and Employment Gap between Partners: It’s All the Same?
Download: català /castellano / english
Covid-19: Does Housing Protect the Elderly in Latin America? Argentina and Colombia Compared with Spain Download: english/català /castellà
BTen years of improvements in health and health behaviour in the Spanish cohorts born between 1945 and 1969
Download: english / catalan / spanish
Brain drain and the Second Wave of Depopulation Download: english / catalan / spanish
The main whys and wherefores of (in)fertility in Spain Download: english / catalan / spanish
The continued increase of precariousness in working lives among young adults in Spain, 1987-2017 Download: english / catalan / spanish
School failure among descendents of immigrants in catalonia: more than just another assignment Download: english / catalan / spanish
Joint Custody: One More Step towards Gender Equality? Download: english / catalan / spanish
The Demographic Sustainability of Empty Spain Download: english / catalan / spanish
Guest Edition La desigualdad ante la muerte: educación y esperanza de vida en España Download: spanish
Breakdown in the Public Pension System: Not in the Name of Demography! Download: english / catalan / spanish
Barcelona’s got talent: migration, residential change and socioeconomic polarisation Download: english / catalan / spanish