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Lectura de les EDSD Master Thesis d'Özge Özer; Anna Vera Jørring Pallesen i Ainhoa Elena Leger

Organiza: EDSD-Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics

Lugar: Virtual: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4053724698 Code: 1985A

Hora: 09:30 - 17:30

Títol: Exploring the ethnic differentials in timing of childbirth in Kazakhstan through the transition from Soviet Union to an independent state.

Autora: Özge Özer

Mentor: Sergi Vidal

Membres del tribunal: Mariona Lozano (CED), Momoko Nishikido (CED), Joan García (CED)

Dia: 26.07.2021

Hora: 09:30 hores


Títol: A population-wide analysis of educational inequalities in disease incidence, age at diagnosis and survival.

Autor: Anna Vera Jørring Pallesen

Mentora: Elisenda Rentería

Membres del tribunal: Iñaki Permanyer (CED), Pilar Zueras (CED), JeroenSpijker (CED)

Hora: 11:00 hores


Títol: Excess deaths in France and Spain during the first COVID-19 wave: an estimation based on the later/earlier method

Autora: Ainhoa Elena Leger

Mentor: Sergi Trias

Membres del tribunal: Francisco Villavicencio (CED), Tim Riffe (Ikerbasque Research Fellow, UPV/EHU), Serena Vigezzi (University Southern Denmark).

Hora: 16:30 hores