Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione (Popdays)
Organiza: Sis-Aisp
Lugar: Roma Tre University, Rome
Tot el dia
Ponència plenària:
Andreu Domingo.-Demographic and Social Reproduction Theory Beyond the Paradigm Shift.
Sergi Trias-Llimós.- Healthy life expectancy.
Jordi Bayona; Andreu Domingo.- The unexpected second Latin American migratory boom in Spain (2014-2019).
Juan Galeano.- Terra d’incontro: The residential settlement of Italians and Argentineans in Barcelona during the XXI century.
Nachatter Singh.- From decarbonization to depopulation: An emerging challenge for the carbon-intensive regions under the energy transition in Spain.
Sergi Trias-Llimós; Jeroen Spijker; Amand Blanes; Iñaki Permanyer.- Age and cause-of-death contributions to educational inequalities in life expectancy and lifespan variation in a low-mortality country: A cross-sectional study of 1.67 million deaths in Spain (2016-19).
Daniela Foresta; Elena Ambrosetti; Sergi Trias-Llimós; Pilar Zueras.- Does migration background matter for risk-taking behaviours among adolescents in Italy?
Laura Marbán; Joaquín Recaño; Cecilia Reynaud; Sara Miccoli; Antonio López Gay.- Depopulation evolution from 1981 to 2021. A comparison between Spain and Italy.