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Defensa de la Tesis Doctoral de Ryohei Mogi (defensa per videoconferència)

Organiza: Programa de Doctorat en Demografia, UAB; CED

Lugar: Defensa per videoconferència

Hora: 15:00 - 17:00

Ryohei Mogi presenta la Tesi Doctoral «Duration-Based Measures as an Alternative to Studying Union Formation and Fertility», codirigida per Albert Esteve i Diederik Boertien.

La Tesi s’inscriu en el Programa de Doctorat en Demografia de la UAB.

«This thesis aims to bring an alternative perspective to the study of family demography by measuring the duration of union and fertility events and to develop three new indexes for a better understanding of current family dynamics (…). Alternative indexes may improve our understanding of union and fertility trends in high-income countries where both quantum and timing have changed«. + info

Els membres del tribunal de Tesi són: com a President, Daniel Devolder (CED); Secretari, Timothy Ll. M. Riffe (Max Plank Institute for Demographic Research-MPIDR); Vocal, Bruno Arpino (Università degli Studi di Firenze); i participen com a suplents, Clara Cortina Trilla (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) i Alessandra de Rose (Sapienza Università di Roma).

La tesi en un vídeo