Diederik Boertien obté una ajuda per a un projecte Social Research de l’Observatori Social de "la Caixa"

Diederik Boertien obté una ajuda per a un projecte Social Research de l’Observatori Social de "la Caixa"

El projecte presentat per Diederik Boertien, titulat “ Increasing wealth inequality in Spain: Who is falling behind and why?” (WINEQ) ha estat un dels 13 projectes seleccionats, entre els més de 500 presentats a la convocatòria de projectes Social Research.

Abstract.- Housing, savings, investments and other forms of wealth have a huge impact on people’s lives. Wealth is an important financial resource, provides social status and serves as a safety net in difficult times. Wealth takes on an ever larger share of societies’ economic resources and has become more unequally distributed across households in Spain; in particular since the financial crisis. Even though these developments have alarmed academics and policy makers alike, we know very little about the sources of wealth inequality, about who encounters obstacles toward accumulating wealth and about how wealth inequality intersects with other inequalities such as those based on social background and gender in Spain. This project aims to answer questions such as: Are changes in wealth inequality driven by changes in home ownership rates, housing values or the value and distribution of other types of wealth? Who accumulates wealth and who enters into debt? Answering these questions is an essential first step toward understanding and addressing rising wealth inequality.

Els projectes de recerca Social Research destaquen per la seva excel·lència, el seu caràcter innovador i la seva orientació social.