Diederik Boertien obté un ERC-Starting Grant

Diederik Boertien obté un ERC-Starting Grant

L’European Research Council-ERC ha atorgat un finançament, de més d’un milió d’euros, a Diederik Boertien per realizar el projecte Starting Grant-StG “Sexual Minorities and Inequality of Opportunity”-MINEQ.

El projecte, que es durà a terme en els propers 5 anys, analitzarà, des d’una perspectiva internacional, les desigualtats d’oportunitats que experimenten les minoritaris sexuals.


«Project description:

The first aim of the MINEQ project is to answer basic questions regarding inequality of opportunity experienced by sexual minority groups. The project will study both socioeconomic outcomes and family dynamics. For instance, the project will document social mobility patterns and partnering behavior among sexual minority groups. To achieve this goal, the project will exploit information on sexual orientation that has recently been incorporated in large-scale representative surveys from a variety of countries. The second part of the project consists of studying the mechanisms that pose obstacles for sexual minority groups to attain outcomes in life. Can gender egalitarianism reduce inequality of opportunity experienced by sexual minority populations? How large is the impact of hate crimes and legislation on the family life of individuals identifying as a sexual minority?»