
Maike van Damme

ORCID 0000-0003-1080- 9789 Investigadora

Titulación: Doctora en Sociología (Tilburg University)
Línea/s de investigación: Cuidado de personas mayores, Generaciones y curso de vida, Estratificación social

Maike van Damme is a postdoc in sociology at CED and Demosoc, Pompeu Fabra University, working on social stratification and socio-demography in cross-national perspective. She has a PhD from Tilburg University, the Netherlands, and worked subsequently at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona; LISER, Luxembourg; and the Institute for Sociology and Social-Psychology, Cologne. At the moment she works on the gender gap in wealth, deprivation, as well as on informal care consequences in mid-life, all cross-nationally compared. Other research interests are causes and consequences of union dissolution and separation processes (such as couple conflict and domestic violence), as well as gender inequalities in couples. More specifically, she examines the consequences of the Great Recession for union formation and dissolution; housing density and breaking-up; status inconsistencies in the couple and marital conflict; intimate partner violence in comparative perspective; and the conceptualization and operationalization of gender ideologies.
Crises and social inequalities (CRISISINEQ)

Entidad financiadora: Fundación BBVA