
Jesús García Gómez
ORCID 0000-0003-3288-355X Investigador (UAB/CED)
Titulación: Doctor en Ciencias Sociales (Universidad de Salamanca)
Línea/s de investigación:
Fecundidad y hogares, Cambio urbano y movilidad residencial
I am a postdoctoral researcher (Investigo scholarship) at the UAB and CED, I participate in the “Cities in Movement: Socio-Spatial Reconfiguration in the Post-Pandemic Era” (lead by Antonio López-Gay) and the "Intergenerational Coresidence in Global Perspective: Dimensions of Change" (lead by Albert Esteve) projects. My research lies in the areas of demography, international migration, fertility, and over-qualification. My latest research focuses on the fertility of first and second generation immigrants in Spain.