
Gioia Geremia

ORCID 0009-0002-2568-3330 Investigadora en Formación (CED/UAB)

Titulación: Graduada en Sociología (Università di Trento)
Línea/s de investigación: Estratificación social

Gioia Geremia obtained a BA in Sociology at University of Trento (UNITN) and a Master’s Degree in Sociology and Social Research, always at University of Trento. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Demography at Centre d’Estudis Demográfics (CED) within the ERC project “Sexual Minorities and Inequalities of Opportunity” (MINEQ). Her research interests regard gender and sexual diversity, with a focus on same-sex couples, fertility and fertility intentions, as well as the division of paid and unpaid labour.