Training School 2017 - Policy perspectives on the gender and health impacts of extending working life in western countries
Organize: COST Action IS1409 “Gender and Health Impacts of Policies Extending Working life in Western Countries”; Jeroen Spijker (CED); Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics
Venue: Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics
Time: 00:00 - 00:00
La Training School 2017 – Policy perspectives on the gender and health impacts of extending working life in western countries, es va realitzar del 7 al 10 de març de 2017 i comptà amb alumnes, prèviament seleccionats, de nou institucions diferents: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Lodz University (Polònia), Minho University (Portugal), University College London (Regne Unit), Sheffield University (Regne Unit), University of Kragujevac (Sèrbia), Medical Research, Porto Central Hospital (Portugal) i de l’Institute for Population & Human Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgària).
Els professors del curs foren: Jean Gardiner (Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation & Change, University of Leeds, Regne Unit); Brian K. Gran (Case Western Reserve University, EUA); Aine Ni Leime (Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, National University of Ireland / Case Western Reserve University, EUA); i Jeroen Spijker (CED). En aquesta ocasió, la Professora Nicky Le Feuvre (Lausanne University, Suïssa), fou la representant de la COST Training School Committee.