Joan García Román imparteix la conferència “Same-Sex Couples’ Shared Time in the United States”.
Organize: Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics
Venue: Virtual
Time: 12:00 - 12:45
(La Sala estarà oberta 10 minuts abans de les 12h)
Degut a les mesures de confinament decretades per les autoritats sanitàries front al COVID-19, a l’abril es van reprendre els seminaris del CED, adaptant-nos a la nova situació, els “Hangout Seminars”.
En els “Hangout Seminars”, el personal investigador del CED presenta de forma virtual, una recerca en curs o un treball que hagi publicat recentment.
El 2 d’abril, estrenà aquest nou format Joan García-Román que va mostrar el seu darrer treball “Same-Sex Couples’ Shared Time in the United States”, publicat a la revista Demography.
GENADEK, Katie R.; FLOOD, Sarah M.; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2020) “Same-Sex Couples’ Shared Time in the United States”. Demography (online 17 march 2020) (ISSN: 0070-3370).
Abstract.- This study examines and compares shared time for same-sex and different-sex coresident couples using large, nationally representative data from the 2003–2016 American Time Use Survey (ATUS). We compare the total time that same-sex couples and different-sex couples spend together; for parents, the time they spend together with children; and for both parents and nonparents, the time they spend together with no one else present and the time they spend with others (excluding children). After we control for demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the couples, women in same-sex couples spend more time together, both alone and in total, than individuals in different-sex arrangements and men in same-sex couples, regardless of parenthood status. Women in same-sex relationships also spend a larger percentage of their total available time together than other couples, and the difference in time is not limited to any specific activity.