Participation in scientific gatherings

European Population Conference 2024

Organize: EAPS

Venue: Edimburg

Tot el dia

+ info

– Enrique Acosta.- Health, Wellbeing and Morbidity.
– Giulia Corti.- Fertility and Education.
– Sergi Trias-Llimós.- Causes of Death and Multi-morbidity at Death.
– Ewa Batyra.- Reproductive Health and Family Planning.
– Iñaki Permanyer.- Measuring Health, Wellbeing and Morbidity.
– Sergi Vidal.- Internal Migration, Spatial Inequalities and Segregation.

– Riccardo Valente; Mattia Vacchiano.- Relocation and the Uproot of Social Capital: Insights from a Swiss Panel.
– Claudia Brunori; Louise Caron; Sergi Vidal.- Where to (Next)? Experiences of Family and Childhood Migration and Migration Intentions in Adulthood.
– Laura Marbán Martínez; Joaquín Recaño Valverde; Cecilia Reynaud; Antonio López Gay.- Unravelling the Recent Sociodemographic and Geographic Determinants of Depopulation in Southern Europe.
– Juan Galeano; Albert Esteve; Joan Garcia Roman; Anna Turu; Federica Becca; Huifen Fang; Maria Pohl; Rita Trias-Prats.- The Coresidence Database: National and Subnational Data on Household Size and Composition around the World, 1964-2021
– Ariane Ophir.- The Demography of Singlehood: Duration, Typology, and Cohort Change.
– Ryohei Mogi; Ewa Batyra; Ilya Kashnitsky.- No Experience of Union Formation as a Proximate Determinant of Remaining Childless.
– Iñaki Permanyer; Tim Riffe.- Multistate Distributions, Lifespan Inequality and Morbidity Compression: Advancing the Debate on Aging and Health.
– María Andrée López Gómez; Iñaki Permanyer.- Labor market trajectories after age 50 and their relationship with health and early retirement in Spain.
– Min Zhu; Sergi Vidal.- Internal Migration and Labour Market Outcomes among Chinese Men and Women.
– Sahar M A Ahmed; Aïda Solé-Auró; Jordi Guma-Lao; Iñaki Permanyer.- Understanding the Development and Accumulation of Chronic Diseases Across Time in Older Adults.
– Alessandro Ferrara; Claudia Brunori; Carla Grindel.- A Longitudinal Perspective to Migrant Health: Unpacking the Immigrant Health Paradox in Germany.
– Albert Esteve; Maria Pohl; Federica Becca; Huifen Fang; Juan Galeano; Joan Garcia Roman; David Reher; Rita Trias-Prats; Anna Turu.- Household Size and Composition around the World, 1970 – 2020.
– Jianji Chen; Sergi Vidal; Jeroen Spijker.- Effects of Grandchild Caregiving on Social Participation: Spillover or Competition?
– Jordi Guma-Lao; Anna Baranowska-Rataj.- Don’t Worry, (s)He’s an Adult! Adult Children’s Unemployment and Parental Depressive Symptoms.
– Luisa Fadel; Diederik Boertien; Christine Schnor.- With the Father or the Mother? Determinants of Parent-Child Coresidence after Union Dissolution.
– Ewa Batyra.- Education Is Not Uniformly Associated with the Timing of First Birth and Union: Evidence from Quantile Regression Analysis of 50 Countries.
– Carlos Ruiz-Ramos; Andres F. Castro Torres.- Unequal Family Contexts for Children and Adolescents in Spain.
– Joan Garcia Roman.- Gender Differences in Housework among Unipersonal Households: A Cross-National Analysis.
– Leo van Wissen; Marcin Stonawski; Andreu Domingo Valls.- Regional Typologies of Demographic Change Based on Complex Systems of Demographic Reproduction (CSDR). a Cross-Country Comparison of Spain, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands.
– Chiara Micheletti; Iñaki Permanyer.- The Triangular Life Table: a Unified Framework for the Study of Mortality and Morbidity.
– Jordi Bayona i Carrasco; Andreu Domingo; Osama Damoun.- Internal Migration of Foreign Immigrants in Spanish Rural Areas.
– Jeroen Spijker; Paola Vazquez-Castillo.- Changes in the Modal Age at Death of Ageing- and Behaviour-Related Diseases in the US: A Multiple-Cause-of-Death Approach.
– Federica Becca; Albert Esteve.- The Family Context of Adulthood Transitions in Mexico.
– Anna Baranowska-Rataj; Erika Sandow; Jordi Gumà Lao.- The Effects of Adult Children’s Unemployment on Parental Mental Health – the Moderating Role of Geographic Distance.
– Enrique Acosta.- Cause-Specific Decomposition of Short-Term Mortality Disturbances: Application to the Analysis of Mortality Disturbances by Income Level in 10 Countries in 2020, during the First Wave of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
– Sabi Bercovich Szulmajster.- Educational Outcomes and Gender Location: Inequalities in Education from a Broader Gender Perspective.
– Anna Caprinali; Diederik Boertien.- The Educational Premium of LGB Students in Context: Mechanisms and Change across Two UK Birth Cohorts.
– Osama Damoun; Andreu Domingo; Jordi Bayona i Carrasco.- Migration and the Speeding Dynamics of Population Change: Urban and Rural Areas in Spain.
– Andreu Domingo; Jessica Natalia Najera Aguirre; Jordi Bayona-i-Carrasco.- Central American Migration in the United States, Spain and Mexico after the Great Recession: A Three-Way Game?
– Fernanda Fortes de Lena; Diederik Boertien.- Are LGB Migrants Better off than LGB Stayers?
– Bob Langereis; Diederik Boertien; Fernanda Fortes de Lena; Sabi Bercovich Szulmajster.- From LGB to LGBTQ+: Earnings and the institutionalization of Sexual and Gender Identities
– Anna Montfort Chipell; Andreu Domingo; Jordi Bayona i Carrasco.- The Impact of Migrations on Female Generations in Spain in the 20th and 21st Centuries: Generational Diversification and Regional Patterns.
– Margherita Odasso; Diederik Boertien.- Remittances and Household Composition: New Evidence on Mexican Transnational Fathers
– Lina M. Torres-Peñuela; Jordi Bayona-i-Carrasco; Andreu Domingo.- Migration Trajectories and School Outcomes in Catalonia, 2016-2021.
– Maida Juni; Agnese Vitali.- Corporate Welfare, Flexible Work and Fertility Intentions.
– Mariana Calderón-Jaramillo; Elisenda Rentería; Jeroen Spijker.- From Curing to Caring: A Sequence Analysis Exploring Trajectories of Multimorbidity and Social Care Needs among Older Adults in Twelve European Countries.
– Adarsh Adarsh; Enrique Acosta; Mikko Myrskylä; Hill Kulu.- Deviating Temporal Trends of Substance Abuse Mortality in High-Income Countries.
– Sergi Trias-Llimós; Jordi Guma-Lao; Aïda Solé-Auró; Iñaki Permanyer.- Mortality risks and prevalence at death of key medical factors.
– Maria Miranda; Ugofilippo Basellini; Enrique Acosta; Emilio Zagheni.- The Different Measures of Period Shocks on Mortality: The Case of COVID-19.
– Ilya Kashnitsky; Sergi Trias-Llimós; Francisco Villavicencio.- Urban and Rural Disparities in Life Expectancy Drops during the Covid-19 Pandemic Were Not Uniform across European Countries.
– Ana Hermeto; Elisenda Rentería.- Does the Health Paradox of Latin American Immigrants Apply to European Countries? A Study through Labour Inactivity Rates.
– Ignacio Cabib; Sergi Vidal; Francisca Bogolasky; Riccardo Valente.- Socio-Spatial Context Trajectories and the Wellbeing of Older People.
– Maike Van Damme; Jeroen Spijker.- Country Differences in Long-Term Care Institutions: Towards a Care Regime Typology.
– Aïda Solé-Auró; Iñaki Permanyer; Jordi Guma-Lao; Sahar M A Ahmed.- Uncovering gender inequalities in morbidity onset.

– Mireia Almirall Llambrich; Pau Miret; Xiana Bueno García; Joan Garcia Roman.- “We Equally Share Tasks, but…” Justifications for the Unequal Gender Distribution of Housework among Highly Educated Spanish Couples.
– Nicolás Aros; Pau Miret.- Extending Residence at the Parental Home for Single, Childless Young Adults: A Cohort Analysis of the Transition to Adulthood in Spain.
– Andrés Castro; Carlos Ruiz-Ramos.- Social Configurations of Inequality and Family Formation Trajectories in Contemporary Spain.
– Giulia Corti; Diederik Boertien; Albert Esteve.- Do Individuals from Wealthy Families Have More Children? Parental Wealth and Fertility in Europe.
– Simin Dai.- Educational Assortative Mating and Second Birth Progressions in China.
– Huifen Fang; Juan Galeano; Albert Esteve.- Five Decades of Household Change across Asian Societies.
– Ginevra Floridi; Albert Esteve.- Systems of Living Arrangements in the United States: 1850–2021
– Rita Trias-Prats; Albert Esteve.- Gender Asymmetries in Household Headship.
– Osama Damoun; Amand Blanes; Andreu Domingo.- Scenarios for New Heterogeneities in Future Older Generations in Catalonia: Size and Composition of 1958-2008 Cohorts at the 2071 Horizon


Side event at EPC. Early-Career Researchers Workshop on Migration Over the Life Course
12.06.2024 (de 9 a.m. a 5 p.m.)

Host:  Scientific Panel on Lifetime Migration of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP).

Sponsors: European Research Council (ERC) funded projects FAMILYTIES (PI: Clara Mulder), LIFELONGMOVE (PI: Sergi Vidal), and MYMOVE (PI: Helga de Valk).