COLLOQUIUM Francisco Villavicencio (CED) "Global, regional, and national causes of death among 5-19-year-olds, 2000-2019"
Organize: Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics
Venue: Híbrida
Time: 12:30 - 13:30
Ponent: Francisco Villavicencio (CED)
Títol: Global, regional, and national causes of death among 5-19-year-olds, 2000-2019
Abstract: Investments in the survival of older children and adolescents (aged 5–19 years) bring triple dividends for now, their future, and the next generation. However, 1.5 million deaths occurred in this age group globally in 2019, nearly all from preventable causes. To better focus the attention of the global community on improving survival of children and adolescents and to guide effective policy and programmes, sound and timely cause of death data are crucial, but often scarce. In this systematic analysis, we provide updated time-series for 2000–19 of national, regional, and global cause of death estimates for 5–19-year-olds with age-sex disaggregation. We obtained empirical cause of death data through systematic review, known investigator tracing, and acquisition of known national and subnational cause of death studies. We adapted the Bayesian LASSO approach to address data scarcity, enhance covariate selection, produce more robust estimates, offer increased flexibility, allow country random effects, propagate coherent uncertainty, and improve model stability. In 2019, the global leading specific causes of death were road traffic injuries (115,843 deaths; 7.8%); neoplasms (95,401; 6.4%); malaria (81,516; 5.5%); drowning (77,460; 5.2%); and diarrhoea (72,679, 4.9%). The leading causes varied substantially across regions. The contribution of communicable, maternal, perinatal, and nutritional conditions declined with age, whereas the number of deaths associated with injuries increased. Widespread declines in cause-specific mortality were estimated across age-sex groups and geographies in 2000–19, with few exceptions like collective violence
Es presenta un article que va ser publicat el passat mes de març a Lancet Global Health
Modalitat: Híbrida
Presencial: Sala Àngels Torrents-CED
Online via ZOOM
Tema: COLLOQUIUM Francisco Villavicencio (CED)
Hora: 22 jun 2022 12:30 Madrid
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