Housing Demographics
Access to housing has become a matter of growing public concern, with clear repercussions in the political domain. In response to this phenomenon, this line of research of the Centre for Demographic Studies is concerned with the interrelationships between population and housing, applying an analytical perspective deriving from demography. The household constitutes the key conceptual hinge between the two basic dimensions. Then again, as in other areas of demography, the main contributions of this line of research are based on the interaction between, in this case residential, behaviour and demographic structures, in a temporal perspective. This general focus covers several analytical approximations: a) projections of residential demand, based on analysis of household formation and changes in structure by population age; b) access to housing in relation with residential types and sociodemographic characteristics; c) effects of the residential situation on demographic behaviour; and d) territorial dimensions of the interaction between population and housing.

Ph.D in Sociology (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)