
Teresa Antònia Cusidó Vallverdú

ORCID 0000-0001-5722-4740 Head of Open Science and Project Management

Educational qualifications: Ph.D in Demography (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Research Theme/s: Health Inequalities, Generations and Life Course, Social Stratification

PhD in Demography from the UAB (2011), DEA in Economic History from the UB-UAB (2006), BA in History, specialising in contemporary history, from the UB (1990) and postgraduate in Methods and Techniques for the Study of Population (1992). Currently, her professional work at CED focuses on two areas: research and management in the area of open Science and in the administration of the projects of the consolidated research group DEMFAMS and HEALTHAGE. He has previously been a member of the Department of History and Economic Institutions (1996-1998) and the Centre for International Historical Studies (1999-2002), both at the UB. In terms of management, she is in charge of national and international projects in competitive calls of public and private institutions (pre award and post award); data open access, Knowledge transfer, citizen science and impact at the Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics (CED), where I am currently the project manager of five active projects funded by the European Research Council (ERC):  ERC-2020-StG-GA 948557-MINEQ; ERC-2019-CoG-GA No 864616-HEALIN; ERC-2021-GA 101043981-LIFELONGMOVE; ERC-2021-ADG-GA 101052787-CORRESIDENCE, and HORIZON-CL2-2022-TRANSFORMATIONS-GA-101094345 PREMIUM-EU.  Previously, he was responsible for six other projects of the 7PM and H2020 (ERC-2014-STG-GA 637768-EQUALIZE; ERC-2010-ADG-GA 20100407-5CofM; ERC-2009-STG-GA 240978-WORLDFAM; CP-CSA-Infra 312691-InGRID; H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017-GA 730998-InGRID-2 y INFRA-2010-1.1.3-GA 262608-DwB).
In the national arena, he has been responsible since 2009 for the Consolidated Research Group (SGR-GRC) DEMFAMS and since 2022 also for the SGR-GRC HEALTHAGE of the CED, as well as for the management of R+D+i projects of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
She was also a support technician for the Inter-University PhD Programme in Economic History at the UB-UAB (1996-1999). He has been involved in the organisation of several international seminars such as the European Population Conference (EPC) (Barcelona, 2008), the International Seminar on Marriage and Family in Latin America (Bellaterra, 2010), InGRID Expert Workshop Research uses of high-precision census samples (Barcelona, 2015), DwB-Training Course: Working with data from official statistics in Europe particularly Integrated European Census Microdata (Barcelona,2015), I Seminario GEPS-CED: Retos actuales de la población en el mundo desarrollado (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, 2017), the III Congreso Internacional REFMUR. Constructing identities and analysing inequalities Families and life trajectories as an object of analysis in Europe and America. Siglos XVI-XXI (Barcelona, 2016) and more recently four InGRID Data Forum on Harmonization and Uses of LFS European Microdata (2018, 2020, 22 and 2023). As for the curricular aspect in research, his basic line of research is the analysis of pre-statistical sources and contemporary demographic and economic statistics, especially the Population Census, the Municipal Register of Inhabitants and the Natural Movement of Population (the subject of his doctoral thesis), subjects on which he has made contributions to conferences and in documents and internal working reports of the Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics. She is currently a member of the Consolidated Research Groups in Demography and Families-DEMFAMS and in Health and Demography of Health and Ageing-HEALTHAGE, As for the curricular aspect in research, his basic line of research is the analysis of pre-statistical sources and contemporary demographic and economic statistics, especially the Population Census, the Municipal Register of Inhabitants and the Natural Movement of Population (the subject of his doctoral thesis), subjects on which he has made contributions to conferences and in documents and internal working reports of the Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics. She is currently a member of the Consolidated Research Groups in Demography and Families-DEMFAMS and in Health and Demography of Health and Ageing-HEALTHAGE, and is a member of the European Research Council project team. He is also a member of the Association of Historical Demography (ADEH).