Mariona Lozano Riera
ORCID 0000-0002-3803-4009 'Ramón y Cajal' Research Fellow
Educational qualifications: Ph.D in Sociology (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Research Theme/s:
Education and work, Ageing and Society, Elderly Care, Poverty, Childhood and Families, Fertility and Households, Gender and Inequality
Lozano, Mariona, Elisenda Rentería, Jeroen Spijker, Maike Van Damme, Giorgio Di Gessa, Rebecca Lacey, Baowen Xue, i Anne McMunn. 2025. «Setting the scene: cross-sectional country comparisons of associations between young adult care and education, employment, and health outcomes in Europe». International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 30(1):2467098. doi: 10.1080/02673843.2025.2467098.
Lozano, Mariona, Albert Esteve, Diederik Boertien, Ryohei Mogi, i Qi Cui. 2024. «Lowest Low Fertility in Spain: Insights from the 2018 Spanish Fertility Survey». Demographic Research 51:625-36. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2024.51.19.
Boertien, Diederik, Clara Cortina, i Mariona Lozano. 2024. «Pathways and Obstacles to Parenthood among Women in Same-Sex Couples in Spain». Demographic Research 50:1039-70
Lanau, Alba, i Mariona Lozano. 2024. «Pobres con empleo: un análisis de transiciones de pobreza laboral en España». Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (186):83-102. doi: 10.5477/cis/reis.186.83-102.
Rentería, Elisenda, Mariona Lozano, i Jeroen Spijker. 2023. «The consequences of caring on health during early adulthood in Spain». Journal of Youth Studies 0(0):1-17. doi: 10.1080/13676261.2023.2280850.
Bueno, Xiana, Mariona Lozano, i Alícia Adserà. 2023. «Advanced or postponed motherhood? Migrants’ and natives’ gap between ideal and actual age at first birth in Spain». Demographic Research 49(22):565-600. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2023.49.22.
SOLÉ-AURÓ, Aïda; ZUERAS, Pilar; RENTERÍA, Elisenda; LOZANO, Mariona (2022) “Gender gap in unhealthy life expectancy: The role of education among adults aged 45+”. International Journal of Public Health, 67 (1604946): 1-8 (online: 24 August 2022 / ISSN: 1661-8556). DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/ijph.2022.1604946
I.F.: JCR (SSCI)_2021_Q1_Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, i.i. 5.1
SJR_2021_Q1_ Health (social science), i.i. 1.05
LOZANO, Mariona; GARCÍA-ROMÁN, Joan (2022) “The division of housework and re-partnering in Europe: Is there a West/East divide?”. Family Relations, 71 (4): 1762-1784 (ISSN: 0197-6664). https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12715
I.F.: JCR (SSCI)_2021_Q3_Family Studies, i.i. 1.879
SJR_2021_Q1_Social Sciences (miscellaneous), i.i. 0.747
RUTIGLIANO, Roberta; LOZANO, Mariona (2022) “Do I want more if you help me? The impact of grandparental involvement on men’s and women’s fertility intentions”. Genus, 78 (13): 1-20 (ISSN: 0016-6987). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41118-022-00161-x I.F.: SJR_2021_Q1_Demography, i.i. 0.814
ADSERÀ, Alícia; LOZANO, Mariona (2021) “¿Por qué las mujeres no tienen todos los hijos que dicen querer tener?”. Dossier (Monográfico: Estado del bienestar, ciclo vital y demografía), 10: 25-33. Observatori Social, Fundació “la Caixa”.
GÓMEZ-CASILLAS, Amalia; LOZANO, Mariona; RENTERÍA, Elisenda (2021) “Expected years lived with intimate partner violence: a new approach for public health”. Global Health Action, 14 (1): 1-7 (ISSN: 1654-9716). https://doi.org/10.1080/16549716.2021.1976442
JCR (SSCI)_2020_Q2_Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, i.i. 2.662
SJR_2020_Q1_Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, i.i. 1.331
LOZANO, Mariona; SOLÉ-AURÓ, Aïda (2021) “Happiness and life expectancy by main occupational position among older workers: Who will live longer and happy?” SSM - Population Health, 13 (100735): 1-9 (ISSN: 2352-8273). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmph.2021.100735 I.F.: SJR_2019_Q1_Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,, i.i. 1.307
SOLÉ-AURÓ, Aïda; LOZANO, Mariona (2020) “Socioeconomic differences in life satisfaction and longevity in Spain”. IUSSP’s online news magazine (November, 16, 2020 / ISSN 2704-7067).
ESTEVE, Albert; BOERTIEN, Diederik; MOGI, Ryohei; LOZANO, Mariona (2020) "Moving out the parental home and partnership formation as social determinants of low fertility". Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2020 (Special Issue: “Fertility across Time and Space”), 18: 1-5 (ISSN: 1728-4414 / ISBN: 978-3-7001-8773-8). https://doi.org/10.1553/populationyearbook2020.deb02 I.F.: SJR_2019_Q3_Demography, i.i. 0.185
LOZANO, Mariona; RENTERÍA, Elisenda; GÓMEZ-CASILLAS, Amalia (2020) “Quan l’estabilitat sembla una utopia”. Dossier Barcelona Metrópolis (“La bretxa generacional”), 114: 12-17. I.F.: 2018 / | [PDF]
LOZANO, Mariona (2019) “Immigrant working women and work-life balance: Fewer opportunities for occupational mobility?” Catalan Social Sciences Review, 9: 93-109 (ISSN: 2014-6035). I.F.: Carhus Plus + 2018_General o multidiciplinar_D | [PDF]
SOLÉ-AURÓ, Aïda; LOZANO, Mariona (2019) “Inequalities in Longevity by Education Level in Spain: A Life Satisfaction Approach”. Social Indicators Research, 111 (1): 729-744 (ISSN: 0303-8300).
I.F.: JCR_2017_Q2_Sociology, i.i. 1.648
SJR_2017_Q1_Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 0.771
LOZANO, Mariona; RENTERÍA, Elisenda (2019). “Work in transition: Labour market life expectancy and years spent in precarious employment in Spain 1986-2016”. Social Indicators Research (First online 27 February 2019): 1-16 (ISSN: 0303-8300).
I.F.: JCR_2017_Q2_Sociology, i.i. 1.648
SJR_2017_Q1_Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 0.771
LOZANO, Mariona; RENTERÍA, Elisenda; VIDAL, Elena; ZUERAS, Pilar (2018) “Demografia. Situació actual i escenaris de futur”. Nota d’Economia (Potencialitats de l'economia catalana), 104: 91-105 (ISSN: 2013-8709).
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LOZANO, Mariona; HAMPLOVÁ, Dana; LE BOURDAIS, Céline (2016) “Non-standard work schedules, gender, and parental stress”. Demographic Research, 34 (art. 9): 259-284 (ISSN: 1435-9871). | [PDF]
LOZANO, Mariona (2015) "Treballadores immigrants i conciliació entre ocupació i família: menors oportunitats de mobilitat laboral?". Revista Catalana de Sociologia, 30: 67-80. | [PDF]
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Reference: PID2023-153252OB-I00
Funding entity: Social Observatory of "la Caixa"
Reference: Ref. SR23-00090
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Reference: PID2019-111666RJ-I00
Funding entity: Fundación Ramón Areces