
Mariana Calderón Jaramillo

ORCID 0000-0002-2722-6590 Junior Researcher (FPI CED/UAB)

Educational qualifications: Bachelor's Degree in Sociology (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
Research Theme/s: Health, Mortality and Causes of Death, Elderly Care

Mariana Calderón-Jaramillo is a sociologist with a master's degree in Social Studies of Science from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Between 2021-2022 she did the European Doctoral School of Demography, supported by CED. Her research interests are related with social care policies, ageing, morbidity and health care systems response to population change. In 2022 she started her Phd studies in Demography at UAB, mentored by Jeroen Spijker and Elisenda Rentería.