Maike van Damme
ORCID 0000-0003-1080- 9789 Researcher
Educational qualifications: Ph.D. in Sociology (Tilburg University)
Research Theme/s:
Elderly Care, Generations and Life Course, Social Stratification
Lozano, Mariona, Elisenda Rentería, Jeroen Spijker, Maike Van Damme, Giorgio Di Gessa, Rebecca Lacey, Baowen Xue, i Anne McMunn. 2025. «Setting the scene: cross-sectional country comparisons of associations between young adult care and education, employment, and health outcomes in Europe». International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 30(1):2467098. doi: 10.1080/02673843.2025.2467098.
Van Damme, M. (2024). “Mismatches in finding a romantic partner: Education and gender values in the Spanish marriage market”, Perspectives Demogràfiques, 35: 1-4 (ISSN: 2696- 4228). DOI: 10.46710/ced.pd.eng.35
Vidal, Sergi, i Maike van Damme. 2024. «Women’s Family Trajectories after Union Dissolution: A Comparative Life Course Analysis». Journal of Marriage and Family n/a(n/a). doi: 10.1111/jomf.12972.
Gómez-Casillas, Amalia, Maike van Damme, i Iñaki Permanyer. 2023. «Women’s and Men’s Status: Revisiting the Relationship Between Gender Equality and Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Europe». Journal of Interpersonal Violence 088626052311587
Damme, Maike Van, Sandra Krapf, i Michael Wagner. 2023. «Housing density and its consequences for couples in Germany: staying, moving, or breaking up?» Housing Studies 38(8):1560-88. doi: 10.1080/02673037.2021.1961694.
I.F.: JCR (SSCI)_2020_Q2_Regional & Urban Planning, i.i. 3.516
SJR_2020_Q1_Sociology and Political Science / Urban Studies, i.i. 0.923
VAN DAMME, Maike; PAVLOPOULOS, Dimitris (2022) “Gender Ideology in Europe: Plotting Normative Types in a Multidimensional Space”. Social Indicators Research, 164: 861-891 (ISSN: 0303-8300). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-022-02976-9
I.F.: JCR (SSCI)_2021_Q2_Sociology, i.i. 2.935
SJR_2021_Q1_Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 0.907
VAN DAMME, Maike; CORTINA, Clara; GONZÁLEZ, M. José (2021) “Couples’ Relative Resources, Male Power, and Relationship Conflict from a Comparative Perspective”. Journal of Family Issues, 43 (5): 1263-1287 (ISSN: 0192-513X). https://doi.org/10.1177/0192513X211022397
I.F.: JCR_2020_Q3_Family Studies, i.i. 2.072
SJR_2020_Q1_Social Sciences (miscellaneous), i.i. 0.814
VAN DAMME, Maike. 2020. "The Negative Female Educational Gradient of Divorce: Towards an Explanation in Six European Countries." Pp. 57–79 in Divorce in Europe, edited by Dimitri Mortelmans. Cham: Springer.
VAN DAMME, Maike. 2019. "Overcrowded Housing and Divorce in Luxembourg." European Journal of Population 36(1):119–139. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10680-019-09523-2.
VAN DAMME, Maike, and Pearl DYKSTRA. 2018. "Spousal Resources and Relationship Quality in Eight European Countries." Community, Work, and Family 21(5):541–563. https://doi.org/10.1080/13668803.2018.1526776.
VAN DAMME, Maike. 2017. "Overcrowded Housing and Divorce in Luxembourg." LISER Working Paper.
VAN DAMME, Maike, and Matthijs KALMIJN. 2014. "The Dynamic Relationships Between Union Dissolution and Women’s Employment: A Life-History Analysis of 16 Countries." Social Science Research 48:261–278. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2014.06.009.
CREIGHTON, Mathew, Gøsta ESPING-ANDERSEN, Roberta RUTIGLIANO, and Maike VAN DAMME. 2013. "Is Fertility Influenced by Couple Instability?" Pp. 102–120 in The Fertility Gap in Europe: Singularities of the Spanish Case, edited by G. ESPING-ANDERSEN. Barcelona: Fundació BBVA.
VAN DAMME, Maike. 2010. "Hoe Vrouwen Hun Eigen Boontjes Doppen. Sociale Klasse en Het Inkomen van Britse, Gescheiden Vrouwen." Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies 13(4):48–61.
VAN DAMME, Maike. 2010. Beyond Marriage. Women's Economic Independence and Separation in Comparative Perspective. Tilburg: Tilburg University.
VAN DAMME, Maike, and Wilfred UUNK. 2009. "Female-Supportive Policies and Women’s Employment After Divorce." Pp. 233–262 in When Marriage Ends: Economic and Social Consequences of Partnership Dissolution: European Countries in Comparison, edited by H.-J. ANDREß and D. HUMMELSHEIM. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
VAN DAMME, Maike, Matthijs KALMIJN, and Wilfred UUNK. 2009. "The Employment of Separated Women: The Impact of Individual and Institutional Factors." European Sociological Review 25(2):183–197. https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcn042.
VAN DAMME, Maike, Jan DE HAAN, Karin KRAAN, Tom KWAKKELSTEIN, Jan DE LEEDE, Bas STEIJN, and Karin TIJDENS. 2005. Verzonken Technologie. ICT en de Arbeidsmarkt. The Hague: SCP.
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Reference: PID2023-153163OB-I00
Funding entity: Fundación BBVA