
Joana Maria Pujadas Mora

ORCID 0000-0002-4975-639X Researcher and Associate professor at Arts and Humanities Studies (UOC/CED)

Educational qualifications: Ph.D in Historical Sciences (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Research Theme/s: Historical Demography

PhD in History from the Balearic Islands University (2009). Joana Maria Pujadas-Mora is researcher and co-head of the Historical Demography area at the Center for Demographic Studies – Autonomous University of Barcelona, and associate professor at the Department of Economic History of the University of Barcelona. Along her predoctoral and postdoctoral period, she was visiting researcher funded on competitive-basis at the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure (UK), the Center for Population Studies (Sweden), the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (USA) and the Center for Economic Demography (Sweden). The development of her research career is framed within the Modern and Contemporary History, especially concerning Social History, Historical Demography and Economic History. She is interested in issues related to: 1) Relevance of public health policies and social-medical institutions in the decline of mortality along the Demographic Transition. 2) Time reduction of individual demographic databases construction through computer vision methods. 3) The evolution of migratory flows in a long-term view (15th - 20th centuries) projecting statistically their life. 4) Intergenerational transmission of social outcomes, intermarriage and kinship marriages within the social reproduction process. 5) The economic inequality growth during Industrialisation. She has been principal researcher of 3 R&D&I project. Currently, she is the Principal Investigator of the project Networks: Technology and citizen innovation for building historical social networks to understand the demographic past, an interdisciplinary project within Historical Demography and Computer Vision, integrating handwriting recognition techniques to build individual life-courses across time and space to be analysed as social network. Moreover, she participates in an international research project, Constructing SHiP: towards a comparative history of health and disease in European port cities, 1850-1950, examining the historical epidemiology profiles of European city ports. Until 2016 she was the research coordinator of an Advanced Grant Project funded by the European Research Council. She has supervised 6 doctoral (3 ongoing) and 7 master’s theses, and 1 end-of-degree project.
Epídemias, estado y desigualdes socioeconómicas: predictibilidad y perdurabilidad, siglos XIX y XX

Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Reference: PID2021-128892OB-I00

Prevenir las epidemias del pasado para curar las del presente: explorando el NLP y la estadística bayesiana para la construcción de modelos predictivos de expansión de epidémias (EPI-PREDICT)

Funding entity: Fundación BBVA

Game of Crowds

Funding entity: FECYT

Reference: FCT-19-15244

Condicionantes demográficos de la desigualdad económica, una aproximación histórica (siglos XVIII-XX) DEMO-DESIGUAL

Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades

Reference: RTI2018-095533-B-I00

XARXES: Tecnologia i innovació ciutadana en la construcció de xarxes socials històriques per a la comprensió del llegat demogràfic

Funding entity: Programa RecerCaixa (Obra Social “la Caixa” amb la col·laboració de l'Associació Catalana d’Universitats Públiques-ACUP)

Reference: Convocatòria 2016

El tratamiento digital de las fuentes históricas locales. Tres experimentos en "crowdsourcing" y acceso fácil

Funding entity: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Plan Nacional de I+D+I

Reference: CSO2013-43118-R