Diederik Boertien
ORCID 0000-0002-4105-8001 Assistant Director
Educational qualifications: Ph.D in Political and Social Sciences (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Research Theme/s:
Generations and Life Course, Fertility and Households, Social Stratification
Kasprowski, David, i Diederik Boertien. 2025. «‘Escape’ from Home? The Moderating Role of Sexual Orientation on the Association Between Social Origin and Educational Attainment». European Societies 1-37. doi: 10.1162/euso_a_00019.
Ophir, Ariane, i Diederik Boertien. 2024. «New Relationships after a Break-up – Do Women Always Re-Partner Less than Men?» Understanding Society. Recuperat 10 desembre 2024 (https://www.understandingsociety.ac.uk/blog/2024/12/10/new-relationships-after-a-break-up/).
Fadel, Luisa, Diederik Boertien, i Christine Schnor. 2024. «The Gendered Economic Consequences of Forming a Single-Parent Household after Separation». Journal of Marriage and Family n/a(n/a). doi: 10.1111/jomf.13061.
Lozano, Mariona, Albert Esteve, Diederik Boertien, Ryohei Mogi, i Qi Cui. 2024. «Lowest Low Fertility in Spain: Insights from the 2018 Spanish Fertility Survey». Demographic Research 51:625-36. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2024.51.19.
Boertien, Diederik, Clara Cortina, i Mariona Lozano. 2024. «Pathways and Obstacles to Parenthood among Women in Same-Sex Couples in Spain». Demographic Research 50:1039-70
Ophir, Ariane, i Diederik Boertien. 2024. «Re-considering Re-partnering: New Insights about Gender and Sexuality in the Study of Second Union Formation». Social Forces soae031. doi: 10.1093/sf/soae031.
San Juan Bernuy, Victoria, i Diederik Boertien. 2023. «The influence of partners’ resources on women’s employment in Mexico». Community, Work & Family 26(1):97-117. doi: 10.1080/13668803.2021.1993139.
Esping-Andersen, Gøsta, Diederik Boertien, i Julien Giorgi. 2023. «Social Mobility and Partnering. The Salience of Mobility Homogamy». Social Science Research 113:102812. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2022.102812
Boertien, Diederik, Francisco Perales, i Léa Pessin. 2023. «Does intergenerational educational mobility vary by sexual identity? A comparative analysis of five OECD countries». European Sociological Review jcad062. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcad062.
Ophir, Ariane, Diederik Boertien, i Sergi Vidal. 2023. «Sexuality and Demographic Change: Documenting Family Formation Trajectories and Cohort Change in the LGB Population». Demography 60(5):1581-1605. doi: 10.1215/00703370-10968468.
Boertien, Diederik, i Gøsta Esping-Andersen. 2023. «Homogamy within Romantic Relationships». P. C23S1-C23S14 a The Oxford Handbook of Social Stratification, editat per M. Gangl, L. Platt, J. G. Polavieja, i H. G. van de Werfhorst. Oxford University Press.
Boertien, Diederik, i Antonio López-Gay. 2023. «The Polarization of Real Estate Ownership and Increasing Wealth Inequality in Spain». European Sociological Review jcac072. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcac072.
I.F.: JCR (SSCI)_2021_Q1_SOCIOLOGY - SSCI, i.i 4.099
SJR_2021_Q1_ Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 2.001
BOERTIEN, Diederik; BERNARDI, Fabrizio (2022) “Gendered Diverging Destinies: Changing Family Structures and the Reproduction of Educational Inequalities Among Sons and Daughters in the United States”. Demography, 59 (1), 111-136 (ISSN: 0070-3370). https://doi.org/10.1215/00703370-9612710
I.F.: JCR (SSCI)_2020_Q1_Demography_ i.i. 3.984
SJR_2020_Q1_Demography, i.i. 2.099
BOERTIEN, Diederik; BOUCHET-VALAT, Milan (2022) "Are Increasing Earnings Associations between Partners of Concern for Inequality? A Comparative Study of 21 Countries”. Social Forces, soab158 (online: 06 January 2022 / ISSN: 0037-7732). https://doi.org/10.1093/sf/soab158
I.F.: JCR (SSCI)_2020_Q1_Sociology, i.i. 3.575
SJR_2020_Q1_Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 1.952
BOERTIEN, Diederik (2021) “Por qué debería preocuparnos la creciente desigualdad en el reparto de la riqueza en España”. El Observatorio Social (julio 2021), Fundación “la Caixa”.
GIORGI, Julien; BOERTIEN, Diederik (2021) “The potential impact of co-residence structures on socio-demographic inequalities in COVID-19 mortality”. Genus, 77 (20): 1-37 (ISSN: 2035-5556). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s41118-021-00124-8 I.F.: SJR_2020_Q2_Demography, i.i. 0.392
RUIZ-VALLEJO, Fernando; BOERTIEN, Diederik (2021) “Do same-sex unions dissolve more often than different-sex unions? Methodological insights from Colombian data on sexual behavior”. Demographic Research, 44 (48): 1149-1164 (ISSN: 1435-9871). DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2021.44.48
JCR (SSCI)_2020_Q3_Demography, i.i. 2.046
SJR_2020_Q1_Demography, i.i. 1.132
PERMANYER, Iñaki; BOERTIEN, Diederik (2021) “Global Trends in Education Inequality: 1950-2010”. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 1-32 (Online: 10 April 2021). (ISSN: 1945-2829). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/19452829.2021.1911968
I.F.: JCR_2019_Q3_Development Studies, i.i. 1.2
SJR_2019_Q1_Anthropology / Q2_Development, i.i. 0.457
BOERTIEN; Diederik; ABURTO, José M.; PERMANYER, Iñaki; LÓPEZ-GAY, Antonio; ESTEVE, Albert (2021) “La influencia de los hogares en la propagación de Covid-19 a través de una simulación”. Coyuntura Demográfica, 19: 95-101 / 153-157 (Metodología). ISSN: 2007-5456.
BOERTIEN, Diederik; LERSCH,Philipp M. (2021) “Gender and Changes in Household Wealth after the Dissolutionof Marriage and Cohabitation in Germany”. Journal of Marriage and Family, 83 (1): 228-242 (ISSN: 0022-2445). https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12705
JCR_2019_Q1_Family Studies / Sociology, i.i. 2.215
SJR_2019_Q1_Social Sciences (miscellaneous), i.i. 1.671
WAGNER, Sander; BOERTIEN, Diederik, GØRTZ, Mette (2020) “The Wealth of Parents: Trends over Time in Assortative Mating Based on Parental Wealth”. Demography, 57 (5): 1809-1831 (ISSN: 0070-3370). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13524-020-00906-3
I.F.: JCR_2019_Q1_Demography, i.i. 3.080
SJR_2019_Q1_Demography, i.i. 2.289
ESTEVE, Albert; BOERTIEN, Diederik; MOGI, Ryohei; LOZANO, Mariona (2020) "Moving out the parental home and partnership formation as social determinants of low fertility". Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2020 (Special Issue: “Fertility across Time and Space”), 18: 1-5 (ISSN: 1728-4414 / ISBN: 978-3-7001-8773-8). https://doi.org/10.1553/populationyearbook2020.deb02 I.F.: SJR_2019_Q3_Demography, i.i. 0.185
ESTEVE, Albert; PERMANYER, Iñaki; BOERTIEN, Diederik; VAUPEL, James W. (2020) “National age and coresidence patterns shape covid-19 vulnerability”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-PNAS, 117 (28): 16118-16120 (ISSN: 0027-8424). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2008764117
I.F.: JCR_2018_Q1_ Multidisciplinary Sciences-Scie, i.i. 9.580
SJR_2019_Q1_Multidisciplinary, i.i. 5.165
BOERTIEN, Diederik; VIGNOLI, Daniele (2019) “Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage Matters for the Subjective Well-being of Individuals in Same-Sex Unions”. Demography (first online: 06 November 2019): 1-13 (ISSN: 0070-3370). I.F.: JCR_2018_Q1_Demography, i.i. 2.489 / SJR_2018_Q1_Demography, i.i. 2.791
BOERTIEN, Diederik; PERMANYER, Iñaki (2019) “Educational Assortative Mating as a Determinant of Changing Household Income Inequality: A 21-Country Study”. European Sociological Review, 35 (4): 522-537 (ISSN: 0266-7215).
I.F.: JCR_2018_Q1_Sociology, i.i. 2.763
SJR_2018_Q1_ Sociology and Political Science, i.i. 2.24
BOERTIEN, Diederik (25.01.2019) “School Progress of Children is not Affected by Having Same-Sex Parents”. Research News. Population Europe, 1-1.. I.F.: /
PERMANYER, Iñaki; BOERTIEN, Diederik (2019) “A century of change in global education variability and gender differences in education”. Plos One, 14 (2): e0212692 (ISSN: 1932-6203).
I.F.: JCR_2017_Q1_Multidisciplinary sciences, i.i. 2.766
SJR_2017_Q1_Medicine (miscellaneous), i.i. 1.164
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BOERTIEN, Diederik; BERNARDI, Fabrizio (2019) “Same-Sex Parents and Children’s School Progress: An Association That Disappeared Over Time”. Demography, 56 (2): 477-501 (ISSN: 0070-3370). I.F.: JCR_2017_Q1_Demography, i.i. 2.572 / SJR_2018_Q1_Demography, i.i. 2.791
BERNARDI, Fabrizio; BOERTIEN, Diederik; GEVEN, Koen (2019) “Childhood Family Structure and the Accumulation of Wealth Across the Life Course”. Journal of Marriage and Family, 81 (1): 230-247 (ISSN: 0022-2445).
I.F.: JCR_2018_Q1_Family Studies, i.i. 2.582
SJR_2018_Q1_Social Sciences (miscellaneous), i.i. 2.178
BOERTIEN, Diederik (2018) “Quins factors familiars afecten l’evolució escolar dels fills?”. Observatori Social de “la Caixa”. Dossier, 6: 18-27. I.F.: NO index.
BOERTIEN, Diederik; BERNARDI, Fabrizio; HÄRKÖNEN, Juho (2018) "Family Structure and Socioeconomic Inequality of Opportunity in Europe and the United States". CAHN, Naomi; CARBONE, June; DEROSE, Laurie F.; WILCOX, W. Bradford (Eds). Unequal Family Lifes. Causes and Consequences in Europe and the Americas. Cambridge University Press, 165-178 (ISBN: 978-1-108-23552-5). | [PDF]
BOERTIEN, Diederik; HÄRKÖNEN, Juho (2018) “Why does women’s education stabilize marriages? The role of marital attraction and barriers to divorci”. Demographic Research, 38 (41): 1241-1276 (ISSN: 1435-9871).
I.F.: JCR_2017_Q2_Demography, i.i. 1.478
SJR_2017_Q1_Demography, i.i. 1.235
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BOERTIEN, Diederik; MORTELMANS, Dimitri (2017) “Does the relationship between personality and divorce change over time? A cross-country comparison of marriage cohorts”. Acta Sociologica, 61 (3): 300-316 (ISSN: 0001-6993).
HÄRKÖNEN, Juho; BERNARDI, Fabrizio; BOERTIEN, Diederik (2017) “Family Dynamics and Child Outcomes: An Overview of Research and Open Questions”. European Journal of Population, 33 (2): 163-184. | [PDF]
BERNARDI, Fabrizio; BOERTIEN, Diederik (2017) “Explaining Conflicting Results in Research on the Heterogeneous Effects of Parental Separation on Child Outcomes according to Social Background”. European Journal of Population, 33 (2): 243-266. | [PDF]
BOERTIEN, Diederik (2017) “Do Families Display Compensatory Behavior Following Parental Separation? A Study of the Impact of Separation on Family Life by Social Background”. EROLA, Jani.; KILPI-JAKONEN, Elina (Eds.). Social Inequality across the Generations: The Role of Compensation and Multiplication in Resource Accumulation. Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar, pp. 48-66 (ISBN: 978-17-8643-255-1).
BERNARDI, Fabrizio; BOERTIEN, Diederik (16.01.2017) “Does parental separation increase inequality of educational opportunity?”. IUSSP’s online news magazine. | [PDF]
BERNARDI, Fabrizio; BOERTIEN, Diederik (2017) “Non-intact families and diverging educational destinies: A decomposition analysis for Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States”. Social Science Research, 63: 181-191. | [PDF]
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Reference: PID2021-124267OB-I00
Funding entity: European Commission. European Research Council Executive Agency
Reference: H2020-ERC-2020-StG-GA No 948557-MINEQ
Funding entity: Social Observatory of "la Caixa"
Reference: SR0403