The Centre for Demographic Studies opens its doors open to all those interested in making a research visit. We welcome newcomers, offering the possibility of working in any of our areas of study and research projects, and encouraging active participation in the academic and social life of the centre.
When planning a research visit, we recommend that you make prior contact with the person responsible for your line of research. For management and administrative reasons, you must also make a formal application for your visit at: demog@ced.uab.es
Both Inés Brancós, the training manager, and Eulàlia Camps, who is in charge of visits to the CED, will provide you with information that is relevant for your stay (necessary documentation, schedules, and availability of your own or shared work space).
Below, you will find a list of people who are currently visiting the CED, or who have visited in recent years.
The Centre for Demographic Studies opens its doors open to all those interested in making a research visit

Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra , Països Baixos
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 08/04/2024-30/06/2024

Institution: Università degli studi Roma Tre , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 18/03/2024-22/03/2024

Institution: University of Pennsylvania , EUA
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 15/03/2024-05/04/2024

Institution: CEDEPLAR (Minas Gerais) , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 14/03/2024-05/09/2024

Institution: CEDEPLAR (Minas Gerais) , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 5/03/2024-31/08/2024

Institution: Universidad Veracruzana (Mèxic) , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 04/03/2024-28/06/2024

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 04/03/2024-30/06/2024

Institution: Utrecht University , Països Baixos
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 04/03/2024-21/04/2024

Institution: Universidade de Lisboa , Portugal
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/03/2024-31/05/2024

Institution: Max Planck Insitute for Demographic Research , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 19/02/2024-23/02/2024

Institution: Université du Québec , Canadà
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 05/02/2024-09/02/2024

Institution: University of Texas , EUA
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 03/02/2024-11/02/2024

Institution: CEDEPLAR (Minas Gerais) , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 30/01/2024-01/11/2024

Institution: Minnesota Population Center. University of Minnesota , EUA
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 10/01/2024-31/03/2024

Institution: Hertie School , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 08/01/2024-08/03/2024

Institution: Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics (CED) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 07/11/2023-09/02/2024

Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 18/10/2023-22/12/2023

Institution: Universidade Estadual de Campinas , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 09/10/2023-30/10/2024

Institution: Universidad de Valladolid , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 2.10.2023-4.12.2023

Institution: Radboud University Nijmegen , Països Baixos
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 02.10.023-12.10.2023

Institution: Umea University , Suècia
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 27.09.2023-17.10.2023

Institution: Umea University , Suècia
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 27.09.2023-17.10.2023

Institution: Tel Aviv University , Israel
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 18.09.2023-22.09.2023

Institution: Umea University , Suècia
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 07.09.2023-31.01.2024

Institution: European University Institute , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/09/2023-17/10/2023

Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 06.07.2023/25.07.2023

Institution: University of Edinburgh , Regne Unit
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 19.06.2023-31.07.2023

Institution: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 12.06.2023-12.07.2023

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estada tècnica
Length of the Research Stay: 01.06.2023/01.06.2026

Institution: Centro de Estudios Demográficos (CEDEM) , Cuba
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 29.05.2023-25.06.2023
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estada tècnica
Length of the Research Stay: 29.05.2023/15.02.2024

Institution: Universitat de Trento , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 4.05.2023-31.7.2023
Institution: University of Southern Denmark , Dinamarca
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 24.04.2023-19.05.2023

Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 19.04.2023-30.06.2023

Institution: Università degli studi Roma Tre , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 6.3.2023-10.03.2023

Institution: European University Institute , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 20.02.2023-20.05.2023

Institution: Max Planck Insitute for Demographic Research , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 6.02.2023-17.03.2023

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 02.02.2023-04.04.2023

Institution: Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho-UNESP , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 31.01.2023-30.09.2023

Institution: University of Pennsylvania , EUA
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 16.01.2023-15.02.2023

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Research Stay Category: Estada tècnica
Length of the Research Stay: 1.12.2022-1.12.2023

Institution: Universitat de Boulogne , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 1.12.2022-31.05.2023

Institution: El Colegio de México , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 1.9.2022-31.08.2023

Institution: Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Université du Québec , Canadà
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 29.08.2022-23.12.2022

Institution: El Colegio de México , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 11.07.2022-05.08.2022

Institution: Institut National d’Études Démogrpahiques (INED) , Polònia
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 04.07.2022-15.07.2022

Institution: Universitat Illes Balears , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 1.7.2022-29.7.2022

Institution: Universitat de Califòrnia , EUA
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 27.06.2022-29.07.2022

Institution: ISER , Regne Unit
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 26/05/2022-02/06/2022

Institution: National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (Japó).
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 26/04/2022-13/07/2022

Institution: Universitat de Vilnius
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 19/04/2022-30/04/2022

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 23.02.2022-23.06.2022

Institution: UNED , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 21/2/2022- 21/6/2022

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 21.02.2022-30.05.2022

Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 14/2/2022-10/05/2022
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 7/2/2022 -17/5/2022

Institution: Universitat de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 1/2/2022-30/6/2022

Institution: University of Pennsylvania , EUA
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 01.02.2022-28.02.2022
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 28/01/2022-30/04/2022

Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 10/01/2022-10/07/2022

Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 3/1/2022-30/06/2022 (intermitent)

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 8/11/2021-30/06/2022

Institution: Universidade Estadual de Campinas , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 02/11/2021-25/01/2022

Institution: Universidade Estadual de Campinas , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 02/11/2021-25.01.2022

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 04/10/2021-23/12/2021

Institution: Universitat d’Alacant , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 19/09/2021- 15/06/2022

Institution: Radboud University Nijmegen , Països Baixos
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 13/09/2021-13/11/2021

Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 1/09/2021-30/11/2021

Institution: CEDEPLAR (Minas Gerais) , Brasil
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 1/9/2021 al 10/09/2021

Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 09/07/2021-13/12/2021

Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 28/06/2021-10/07/2021

Institution: Centre de Recherche en Démographies (DEMO) , Bèlgica
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/06/2021-30/07/2021

Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 21/04/2021-23/06/2021

Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 12/03/2021-23/09/2021

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 15/02/2021 a 30/07/2021

Institution: UNICAMP , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 15/02/2021-28/07/2021

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 11/01/2021 al 18/06/2021

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 01/02/2021- 30/06/2021

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 15/12/2020 a21/03/2021

Institution: Universidad de Salamanca , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 1/10/2020-31/12/2020

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 18/09/2020-21/05/2021

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 18/09/2020-21/05/2021

Institution: Chongqing Technical and Business University , Xina
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/09/2020 a 30/10/2020

Institution: Universidade de Lisboa
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 24/08/2020-31/10/2020

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 09/03/2020 a 29/05/2020

Institution: UNICAMP , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 17/02/2020 a 31/07/2020

Institution: Tel Aviv University , Israel
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 14/02/2020 a 21/02/2020

Institution: El Colegio de México , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 12/02/2020 a 11/03/2020

Institution: Charité-Medical University of Berlin , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 04/02/2020 a 07/02/2020

Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 03/02/2020 a 31/03/2020

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 03/02/2020 a 31/07/2021

Institution: École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Économique-ENSAE , França
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 07/01/2020 a 31/07/2020

Institution: Universidad de Buenos Aires , Argentina
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 10/12/2019 a 1/03/2020

Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 14/10/2019 a 30/06/2020

Institution: Universidad Alcalá de Henares , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 07/10/2019 al 30/10/2019

Institution: University of Southern Denmark , Dinamarca
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 07/10/2019 a 30/11/2019

Institution: Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics (CED) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 01/10/2019 a 23/12/2019

Institution: El Colegio de México , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/10/2019 al 20/12/2019

Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 30/09/2019 a 14/11/2019
Institution: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia , Colòmbia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 30/09/2019 a 25/10/2019

Institution: Universitat de Girona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 16 de setembre de 2019 al 30 de gener de 2020

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 16 de setembre al 31 de novembre de 2019

Institution: Universidade Federal de Viçosa (Brasil) , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 02/09/2019 a 30/06/2020

Institution: Humboldt University , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 23/07/2019 a 02/08/2019

Institution: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Premi Extraordinari de Batxillerat
Length of the Research Stay: 15/07/2019 a 19/07/2019

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Premi Extraordinari de Batxillerat
Length of the Research Stay: 15/07/2019 a 19/07/2019

Institution: Columbia University , EUA
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 15/07/2019 a 19/07/2019

Institution: Université Saclay Paris , França
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 15/07/2019 a 31/07/2019
Institution: Maria Curie-Sklodowska University , Polònia
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 08/07/2019 a 12/07/2019

Institution: Max Planck Insitute for Demographic Research , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 08/07/2019 a 12/07/2019

Institution: Minnesota Population Center , EUA
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/07/2019 a 12/07/2019

Institution: Universidad del País Vasco , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 01/07/2019 a 31/07/2019

Institution: Universitat de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Premi Extraordinari de Batxillerat
Length of the Research Stay: 25/06/2019 a 02/07/2019

Institution: El Colegio de México , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 17/06/2019 a 19/07/2019

Institution: Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano , Colòmbia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 05/06/2019 a 11/07/2019

Institution: Centro de Estudios Demográficos , Cuba
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 15/05/2019 a 30/05/2019
Institution: XXXX , XXXX
Research Stay Category: XXXX
Length of the Research Stay: 25/04/2019

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 01/04/2019 a 31/05/2019

Institution: University of Tromsø , Noruega
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: del 27/03/2019 al 12/04/2019

Institution: Institute of Sociology (Taipei) , Taiwan
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 12/03/2019 a 22/03/2019

Institution: Universidad Veracruzana (Mèxic) , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 11/03/2019 a 10/09/2019

Institution: Universitat de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 06/03/2019 a 28/06/2019

Institution: Université de Genève , Suïssa
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/02/2019 a 31/12/2019

Institution: Università di Padova , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 14/01/2019 a 01/02/2019

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 17/12/2018 a 14/06/2019

Institution: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 03/12/2018 a 30/06/2019

Institution: North Carolina State University , EUA
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 22/11/2018 a 05/12/2018

Institution: El Colegio de México , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 12/11/2018 a 30/09/2019

Institution: Universidad de Almería , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 12/11/2018 a 14/12/2018

Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 08/11/2018 a 06/05/2019
Institution: Adam Mickiewicz University , Polònia
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 08/10/2018 a 15/10/2018
Institution: Adam Mickiewicz University , Polònia
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 08/10/2018 a 15/10/2018

Institution: University of Tallin , Estònia
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 01/10/2018 a 05/10/2018

Institution: Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral , Equador
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 19/09/2018 a 03/10/2018

Institution: Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social , Colòmbia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 18/09/2018 a 18/10/2018

Institution: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem , Israel
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 12/09/2018 a 30/06/2019

Institution: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerai , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 12/09/2018 a 30/06/2019

Institution: Humboldt University , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 03/09/2018 a 15/09/2018

Institution: Universidad de Buenos Aires , Argentina
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 01/09/2018 a 21/12/2018

Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: del 09/07/2018 al 20/07/2018
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: del 02/07/2018 al 06/07/2018

Institution: Universidad Externado de Colombia , Colòmbia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: del 26 de juny al 31 de juliol

Institution: Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano , Colòmbia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 14/06/2018 a 11/07/2018

Institution: Oficina Nacional de Estadística e Información-ONEI , Cuba
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 11/06/2018 a 22/06/2018

Institution: University of Lund , Suècia
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 11/05/2018 a 22/06/2018

Institution: Technical University of Dormunt , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 28/05/2018 al 06/07/2018

Institution: University of Cologne , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 14/05/2018 a 24/05/2018

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 08/05/2018 a 31/07/2018

Institution: University of Cologne , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 03/05/2018 a 30/06/2018

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 02/05/2018 a 18/06/2018

Institution: University College London. University of London , Regne Unit
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 02/04/2018 a 30/06/2018

Institution: Linkopïng University , Suècia
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 12/03/2018 a 23/03/2018

Institution: Université de Genève , Suïssa
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 06/03/2018 a 23/03/2018

Institution: Universidade Estadual de Campinas , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 01/03/2018 a 31/08/2028

Institution: University of Tehran , Iran
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 22/02/2018 a 30/10/2018

Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 08/01/2018 a 30/06/2018

Institution: Megatrend University , Sèrbia
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 27/11/2017 a 01/12/2017

Institution: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 27/11/2017 a 20/12/2017

Institution: University of Pennsylvania , EUA
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 27/11/2017 a 01/12/2017

Institution: Sapienza Università di Roma , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 20/11/2017 a 01/12/2017

Institution: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 15/10/2017 a 27/10/2017

Institution: Oxford University , Regne Unit
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 02/10/2017 a 13/10/2017

Institution: Umea University , Suècia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 18/09/2017 a 22/09/2017

Institution: Universidad Central de Venezuela , Venezuela
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 18/09/2017 a 24/11/2017

Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 14/09/2017 a 31/12/2017

Institution: Université du Québec , Canadà
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 04/09/2017 a 22/12/2017

Institution: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia , Colòmbia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 04/09/2017 a 21/09/2017

Institution: University of Cologne , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/09/2017 a 30/10/2017

Institution: University of Bremen , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: ERASMUS
Length of the Research Stay: 01/09/2017 a 30/04/2018

Institution: Universidad de Murcia , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 04/07/2017 a 08/07/2017

Institution: El Colegio de México , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 03/07/2017 a 31/07/2017

Institution: University of Southampton , Regne Unit
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 03/07/2017 a 04/08/2017

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 03/07/2017 a 31/07/2017

Institution: Universitat de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 03/07/2017 a 31/07/2017

Institution: Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano , Colòmbia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 19/06/2017 a 20/07/2017
Institution: University of Texas , EUA
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher

Institution: University of Texas , EUA
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 12/06/2017 a 18/06/2017
Institution: Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique-CREST , França
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 1/06/2017 a 19/06/2017

Institution: Universidad de Murcia , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 15/05/2017 a 26/05/2017

Institution: Universidad de Chile , Xile
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 15/05/2017 a 30/05/2017

Institution: Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social , Colòmbia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 04/05/2017 a 02/06/2017

Institution: Oxford University , Regne Unit
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 27/03/2017 a 31/03/2017

Institution: Ural Federal University , Rússia
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 27/03/2017 a 07/04/2017

Institution: University of Tromsø , Noruega
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 27/03/2017 a 07/04/2017

Institution: London School of Economics (LSE) , Regne Unit
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 15/03/2017 a 15/05/2017

Institution: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerai , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/03/2017 a 04/08/2017

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 23/01/2017 - 27/01/2017

Institution: Yonsei University , Corea del Sud
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 10/01/2017 - 04/02/2017

Institution: Universidad Externado de Colombia , Colòmbia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 09/12/2016- 04/05/2017
Institution: Universidad de Jaén , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 17/10/2016 a 15/12/2016

Institution: Universitat de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: Del 04/10/2016 a 22/06/2017

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: Del 28/09/2016 a 27/03/2017
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: Del 19/09/2016 a 20/03/2017

Institution: Universidad Católica de Múrcia (UCAM) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: Del 12/09/2016 a 12/12/2016

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: Del 11/07/2016 a 23/12/2016
Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: Del 04/07/2016 a 08/07/2016

Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 20/06/2016 a 15/07/2016

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 23/05/2016 a 27/05/2016

Institution: Université de Strasbourg , França
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 09/05/2016 a 01/07/2016
Institution: Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW , Polònia
Research Stay Category: InGRID

Institution: Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW , Polònia
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 02/05/2016 a 06/05/2016
Institution: Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW , Polònia
Research Stay Category: InGRID

Institution: Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW , Polònia
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 02/05/2016 a 06/05/2016

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Estudiant en pràctiques
Length of the Research Stay: 25/04/2016 a 22/06/2016

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: Del 21/04/2016 a 23/12/2016
Institution: Roskilde University , Dinamarca
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 04/04/2016 a 15/04/2016
Institution: Harvard University , EUA
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 29/02/2016 - 04/03/2016
Institution: Minnesota Population Center. University of Minnesota , EUA
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 22/02/2016- 26/02/2016
Institution: University of Neuchatel , França
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 15/02/2016 - 19/02/2016
Institution: Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales , Equador
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 08/02/2016- 12/02/2016
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 25/01/2016 - 29/01/2016
Institution: Hebrew University’s Federmann School of Public Policy and Government , EUA
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 25/01/2016 - 29/01/2016
Institution: Instituto do Envelhecimiento. Universidade de Lisboa , Portugal
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 12/01/2016 - 30/01/2016
Institution: Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social , Colòmbia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 11/01/2016 - 11/02/2016
Institution: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences , Bulgària
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 11/01/2016 - 24/01/2016
Institution: Institut National d’Études Démogrpahiques (INED) , França
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 30/11/2015 - 04/12/2015
Institution: FernUniversität Hagen , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 09/11/2015 - 20/11/2015
Institution: McGill University , Canadà
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: Des del 05/10/2015
Institution: Stockholm University , Suècia
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 03/09/2015 - 23/09/2015
Institution: Universidade Estadual de Campinas , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 01/09/2015 a 15/09/2015
Institution: Davis , EUA
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 13/07/2015 - 16/07/2015
Institution: Bangladesh University , Bangladesh
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 28/06/2015 - 10/07/2015
Institution: CEDEPLAR (Minas Gerais) , Brasil
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 29/06/2015 - 10/07/2015
Institution: Harvard University , EUA
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 22/06/2015 - 30/06/2015
Institution: European University Institute , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 03/06/2015 - 12/07/2015
Institution: Princeton University , EUA
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 25/05/2015 - 14/06/2015
Institution: Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (IMES) , Rumania
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 16/02/2015 - 13/03/2015
Institution: Free University of Brussels , Bèlgica
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 15/02/2015 - 28/02/2015
Institution: Università Politecnica delle Marche , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 02/02/2015 - 15/02/2015
Institution: Université Catholique de Louvain-Bruxelles , Bèlgica
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 31/01/2015 - 15/02/2015
Institution: Universidad Pablo de Olavide Sevilla , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 08/01/2015 - 27/01/2015
Institution: University of Southampton , Regne Unit
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 26/11/2014 - 28/11/2014
Institution: Free University of Brussels , Bèlgica
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 09/11/2014 - 22/11/2014
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/10/2014 - 28/02/2015
Institution: Nederlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) , Països Baixos
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 15/09/2014 - 11/10/2014
Institution: Universitat de Saragossa , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/09/2014 - 30/09/2014
Institution: Roskilde University , Dinamarca
Research Stay Category: InGRID
Length of the Research Stay: 12/05/2014 - 16/05/2014
Institution: Free University of Brussels , Bèlgica
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 24/03/2014 - 04/04/2014
Institution: Universidad de Málaga , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 15/03/2014 - 15/07/2014
Institution: Princeton University , EUA
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 11/03/2014 - 21/03/2014
Institution: University of Groningen / NIDI , Països Baixos
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 02/12/2013 - 31/10/2015
Institution: Universidad de Salamanca , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 25/11/2013 - 31/03/2014
Institution: Free University of Brussels , Bèlgica
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 18/11/2013 - 07/12/2013
Institution: University of Tromsø , Noruega
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 04/11/2013 - 08/11/2013
Institution: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/10/2013 - 18/12/2013
Institution: Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Université du Québec , Canadà
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 17/09/2013 - 20/12/2013
Institution: Catholic University of Leuve , Bèlgica
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 08/05/2013 - 14/05/2013
Institution: Free University of Brussels , Bèlgica
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 02/04/2013 - 24/05/2013
Institution: Max Planck Insitute for Demographic Research , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 05/03/2013 - 08/03/2013
Institution: University of Tromsø , Noruega
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 07/02/2013 - 14/02/2013
Institution: Free University of Brussels , Bèlgica
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 01/02/2013 - 28/02/2013
Institution: University of California, Berkeley , EUA
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/02/2013 - 31/03/2013
Institution: University of Groningen / NIDI , Països Baixos
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 07/01/2013 - 07/03/2013
Institution: Universidad de Murcia , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 10/10/2012 - 09/11/2012
Institution: University of Edinburg , Regne Unit
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 01/09/2012 - 31/07/2014
Institution: Vrije Universiteit Brussel , Bèlgica
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 10/07/2012 - 31/07/2012
Institution: Université Paris X-Nanterre , França
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 29/06/2012 - 03/07/2012
Institution: Free University of Brussels , Bèlgica
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 11/04/2012 - 22/06/2012
Institution: Max Planck Insitute for Demographic Research , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 11/04/2012 - 25/04/2012
Institution: University of Southern California , EUA
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 14/03/2012 - 12/04/2012
Institution: University of Tromsø , Noruega
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 01/03/2012 - 23/03/2012
Institution: Universidade Estadual de Campinas , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 06/02/2012 - 31/07/2012
Institution: Free University of Brussels , Bèlgica
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 08/11/2011 - 18/12/2011
Institution: Stockholm University , Suècia
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 12/09/2011 - 20/09/2011
Institution: Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 05/09/2011 - 31/07/2012
Institution: Free University of Brussels , Bèlgica
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 04/04/2011 - 31/05/2011
Institution: Institut Pasteur , França
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 01/04/2011 - 15/04/2011
Institution: Université Saad Dahlab Blida , Argèlia
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 22/03/2011 - 08/04/2011
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 08/03/2011 - 31/07/2011
Institution: Università degli Studi di Bari , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 25/02/2011 - 14/06/2011
Institution: Université Paris X-Nanterre , França
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 04/10/2010 - 08/10/2010
Institution: Università degli Studi di Bari , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 13/09/2010 - 15/02/2011
Institution: Universidad de Murcia , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/09/2010 - 21/02/2011
Institution: Universidade da Coruña , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 10/05/2010 - 31/07/2010
Institution: Vrije Universiteit Brussel , Bèlgica
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 26/04/2010 - 07/05/2010
Institution: Northwestern University , EUA
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 06/04/2010 - 05/07/2010
Institution: University of Michigan , EUA
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 22/02/2010 - 26/02/2010
Institution: Konan University , Japó
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 28/09/2009 - 22/03/2010
Institution: Université Paris X-Nanterre , França
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 12/06/2009 - 22/06/2009
Institution: Università degli Studi di Torino , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 08/06/2009 - 12/06/2009
Institution: Università degli Studi di Bari , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/05/2009 - 30/11/2009
Institution: Stockholm University , Suècia
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 14/04/2009 - 23/04/2009
Institution: Universidad de Buenos Aires , Argentina
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 18/02/2009 - 01/03/2009
Institution: El Colegio de México , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 08/12/2008 - 14/12/2008
Institution: Centro de Estudios de Población y Desarrollo. Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas , Cuba
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 09/07/2008 - 12/07/2008
Institution: Universidad de Salamanca , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/07/2008 - 25/07/2008
Institution: Universidade Estadual de Campinas , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/02/2008 - 31/07/2008
Institution: Università degli Studi di Bari , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/02/2008 - 02/04/2008
Institution: El Colegio de México , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 15/10/2007 - 24/10/2007
Institution: Universidad de Guadalajara (México) , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 09/07/2007 - 06/08/2007
Institution: CEDEPLAR (Minas Gerais) , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 08/06/2007 - 23/06/2007
Institution: Université Jules Verne-Picardie/INED , França
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 01/06/2007 - 09/06/2007
Institution: Universidad Externado de Colombia , Colòmbia
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 07/05/2007 - 11/01/2008
Institution: Saint Petersburg Institute for Economics and mathematics , Rússia
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 04/05/2007 - 18/05/2007
Institution: El Colegio de la Frontera Sur , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 18/04/2007 - 04/05/2007
Institution: UNED , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 12/03/2007 - 22/03/2007
Institution: Stockholm University , Suècia
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 29/01/2007 - 28/02/2007
Institution: Università degli Studi di Bari , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 23/11/2006 - 31/10/2007
Institution: Università degli Studi di Bari , Itàlia
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 23/11/2006 - 12/03/2007
Institution: Universidad Nacional del Altiplano. Puno- Perú , Perú
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 01/10/2006 - 30/09/2007
Institution: El Colegio de México , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 15/09/2006 - 15/11/2006
Institution: El Colegio de México , Mèxic
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 07/09/2006 - 07/03/2007
Institution: Universidad de Sevilla , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 01/02/2006 - 31/05/2006
Institution: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 08/01/2006
Institution: Universidad de Granada , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 01/09/2005 - 30/03/2006
Institution: Université Paris X-Nanterre , França
Research Stay Category: Postdoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 26/05/2005 - 02/06/2005
Institution: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research , Alemanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 03/05/2005 - 10/05/2005
Institution: Université Paris X-Nanterre , França
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 28/02/2005 - 09/06/2005
Institution: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerai , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Length of the Research Stay: 21/02/2005 - 24/03/2005
Institution: CEDEPLAR (Minas Gerais) , Brasil
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 21/02/2005 - 04/03/2005
Institution: Universidad de Buenos Aires , Argentina
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 24/01/2005 - 16/03/2005
Institution: Universidad de Murcia , Espanya
Research Stay Category: Professor/visiting researcher
Length of the Research Stay: 23/05/2017 a 26/05/2017
04/07/2017 a 08/07/2017
Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra , Iran
Research Stay Category: Predoctoral
Research Stay Category: Tipo 1