COLLOQUIUM Elisabetta Aurino (Assistant Professor of Development Economics; UB)
Organize: Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics
Venue: Semipresencial
Time: 12:00 - 13:00
Títol.– A ‘great buy’ for all? The unequal consequences of messaging parents for child education in Ghana.
Abstract.- Through a large-scale trial, we report large and diverging effects of a behavioral parenting intervention implemented through text-messages on parental educational engagement and child schooling in rural northern Ghana. For children of parents with no formal schooling, parental engagement and child school attendance decreased, as measured by child and parents’ self-reports, and school ledgers data. Conversely, for parents with some formal schooling, messaging increased educational engagement, school participation, and child social-emotional and literacy skills. Parental self-efficacy and stress are likely mechanisms. As messaging and other low-tech strategies are increasingly integrated in educational systems globally, our findings warn about their potential inequality-increasing consequences in low-literacy contexts.
Código de acceso: 997153