Interconnected inequalities and family life courses in Spain (INTERINEQ)


As societies become more complex, new forms of inequality and discrimination appear. In this scenario, not considering the interconnected forms of inequality leaves scientific accounts about inequality and intergenerational transmission of disadvantages remain limited as most rely on predefined socioeconomic status categories. INTERINEQ aims to understand how different dimensions of inequality, such as gender, education, and migration status, influence partnership dynamics, childbearing trajectories, and the intergenerational transmission of disadvantages among people residing in Spain at varying stages of life, from early to late adulthood. INTERINEQ uses nationally representative surveys, censuses, and birth records of the Spanish population to build data-driven configurations of inequality based on individuals’ characteristics. Uncovering existing configurations of inequality will allow us to see how broader social inequality emerges at the intersection of several forms of discrimination, exclusion, and intergenerational transmission of disadvantages. The INTERINEQ’s approach will serve two purposes. First, it will provide evidence-based recommendations to improve social support policies from a holistic perspective. Second, it will move the general discourse away from overly simplistic interpretations of inequality that often blame minorities and vulnerable groups. You can read our research papers on:
Transition to Adulthood and the Intergenerational Transmission of Disadvantages Among Young Adults in Spain:
Unequal Family Contexts for Children and Adolescents in Spain:


Mariona Lozano Riera
Mariona Lozano Riera 'Ramón y Cajal' Research Fellow Ph.D in Sociology (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Carlos Ruiz Ramos
Carlos Ruiz Ramos Junior Researcher Graduat en Economia (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Andrés F. Castro Torres
Andrés F. Castro Torres Researcher (Barcelona Supercomputing Center- BSC) associated with the CED
Ph.D in Demography and Sociology (University of Pennsylvania)
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